Fujifilm Plans 10/15 more Lenses for GFX in the Next 5 Years… and Correcting More Wrong Rumors

I’m in the rumor world since many years now, and I know it’s not easy to share accurate information. It’s way more complicated than you think.

This is why I never shout “fake clickbait rumors“, when I read some wrong rumors that surface on the web.

All I do in those cases, is to correct those wrong rumors, so that you guys have an accurate idea of what Fujifilm is going to launch (or not).

And today, it’s my job to correct some wrong rumors that I think have been shared with good will, but are nevertheless wrong.

I have the choice to leave them wrong, or correct them. And I decided to correct them. With great respect to the source though, who I think shared really what it heard.

No shitstorm, no hate, just a little help to get closer to the truth (and I know that it’s not easy, believe me).

Wrong Rumor 1
25/30 lenses for GFX in the next 5 years?

GFX lovers, don’t have too high expectations. Fujifilm will not have 25 or even 30 GF lenses in total within the next 5 years.

The current schedule is to release 2/3 GF lenses a year, so this means maximum 10 to 15 GF more lenses will be added in the next 5 years.

Add to these 10/15 lenses the current 6 GF lenses, and we will have from 16 to a maximum of 21 GF lenses 5 years from now (not bad at all!)

But the only way for Fujifilm to have a total of 30 GF lenses 5 years from now, would be to stop developling lenses for X-mount ;)

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Wrong Rumor 2
GF 80-180 ?

Sorry guys, Fujifilm has no plans for such a lens. Again, I invite you to check out this secret GF roadmap (which shows a 100-200 lens, though ;) ). There is no GF 80-180 on Fuji’s internal roadmap.

Wrong Rumor 3
Fujifilm X-H1 will have a different processor?

Nope. It’s the same X Processor Pro used in X-T2, GFX, X-Pro2 etc. I might publish a more in-depth article later on about this. But at the end of the day there is no doubt that the X-H1 will get its power from the good old X Processor Pro.

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Message to source I have corrected

I have corrected some of your rumors, and publicly on FujiRumors I can’t say more than this.

But privately and confidentially, and of course only with permission of my sources, I can give you a more in-depth and detailed insight behind the scenes of what my current Fuji long-term knowledge is and if you want we can compare our knowledge.

If you want, feel free to contact me via email creating a fake email account if you feel more comfortable.

Message to sources in general

As I said above… rumors are always complicated. So even if you think “Ah, Patrick will probably already know it”, don’t hesitate to contact me. Given the amount of fake rumors I get, even every double/triple confirmation I can get is extremely useful for me.

stay tuned… the best has yet to come :)

Fujifilm X-H1 will use NP-W126S Battery of X-T2 + New Vertical Grip

Fujifilm X-H1

The Fujifilm X-H1 will use the same batteries of the X-T2 & co, the NP-W126S.

Given the X-H1 increase in size over the X-T2 (size comparison here), Fujifilm will also launch a new vertical grip.

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stay tuned… the best has yet to come :)
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Fujifilm X-H1 Rumored Specs

TESTED: Third Party Fuji Batteries? “Inflated capacity values. Some batteries almost Fraud!”… and the Winner is…?

Fujifilm X-H1 will have Same X-Processor Pro of X-T2… Film Simulation “Eterna” X-T2 Kaizen Update Possible?

X-Processor Pro

According to our sources, the Fujifilm X-H1 will have the same X-Processor Pro of the Fujifilm X-T2.

This is great news for X-Pro2, X-T2, X-T20, X100F and X-E3 owners, as it gives us hope that “Eterna“, Fujifilm’s new film simulation, will come also to those cameras via Kaizen update.

Let me explain it…

but before that… our X-H group is exploding… you are welcome to join :)

Film Simulation Kaizen Update for X-T2 & Co?

Now, film simulations are a “processor thing“.

This means that cameras featuring an older processor will not support film simulations, that have been introduced in cameras with newer processors. So, for example, the Acros film simulation on the X-T2 & Co cameras with X-Processor Pro, will never be implemented on Fuji cameras with older and slower EXR processors like the X-T1.

But since the X-H1 features the same same X-Processor Pro of the X-T2 and friends, there is hope that “Eterna” will come also to older X-Processor Pro cameras.

more… and more… and more… is coming :)
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Fujifilm X-H1 Rumored Specs

Fujifilm X-H1 Vs. X-T2 Size Comparison

It’s holiday season, and with the help of our sources, Santa Patrick would like you to have an exciting holiday season full of Fujifilm rumors :)

Hence, there will be rumors. A lot of them, so don’t miss to follow FujiRumors Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

What we have for you today is a size comparison X-H1 Vs. X-T2, brought to you by our beloved and trusted Japanese source.

The green shape is the X-H1 and the white one the X-T2. So quite a size difference. The size of the X-H1 looks like something in between the X-T2 and GFX.

Excited? Then feel free to join our Fujifilm X-H group and stay tuned with the latest rumors… the next one is just around the corner ;)

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Fujifilm X-H1 Rumored Specs

Oh, and if you think it’s too big, then check out how big one of the best hybrid stills/video cameras out there is, the Panasonic GH5… and it’s a M43 camera – via camera size

On the other hand, the A6500 is small and has IBIS. There are some overheating reports out there, though.

I think Fujifilm chose the bigger size, not only for better heat dissipation, but also for better ergonimics/handling/balance when used with the huge Fujinon MK cine lenses (or any other big Fujinon lens).

Fujiflm GFX100S with IBIS, Release in 2019 and Expected Price About as Much as Hasselbald X1D

Hungry for more?

Then let’s share the next bunch of rumors:

The Fujfilm GFX 100S is currently scheduled for 2019 (and not 2020). A source told me it expects to cost like the Hasselblad X1D ($9,000), so there will be a rather significant bump in price.

Moreover, a rumor that you should take with a grain of salt, I hear it might have IBIS, which would be awesome, since photographers love to adapt old third party glass on it, and they would all have it stabilized :)

Keep in mind… these are all long term rumors, and so take it with a grain of salt. And especially the IBIS rumor is to double confirm.

Join our Fujifilm GFX facebook group and our dedicated GFX facebook page for 100% GFX only coverage.

The next rumor is just around the corner… so stay tuned :)
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  • GF 250mm F4 (early 2018) – Announced
  • GF 35mm F2.8 (mid 2018)
  • GF 20-36mm F3.5-4.5 or GF 100-200mm F4.5-5.6 (end 2018. NOTE: Fujifilm says one of the two. Final decision has not yet been done)