Fujifilm Instax Wide Monochrome Film Available
Right now available at BestBuy, the Fujifilm Instax Wide Monochrome film.
Fujifilm will have an Instax-centric announcement in a few hours (October 25)… and let’s hope that, along with the Instax Share SP-3 printer, they will also annouce a wide printer.
Instax Share App adds Support for Instax SP-3 Square Printer
Fujifilm just update its Instax Share App to add support for Fujifilm Instax Share SP-3 Square printer.
It will be announced tomorrow, October 25, 2017.
LEAKED: First Instax Share SP-3 Square Printer Images + Instax Square SQ10 White is Coming
Just as rumored, Fujifilm will launch the Fujifilm Instax Share SP-3 Square printer, and now the first images have leaked at nokishita.
Also, Fujifilm France is teasing a white Instax SQ10 #ComingSoon on their instagram page here, showing an image of the SQ10 in white. Nokishita leaked an image of that printer, too.
I remind you that, according to FujiRumors sources, Fujifilm will have an announcement on October 25. Nokishita says that the pre-order will start on the 23rd. Anyway… it’s coming :)
Instax Square SQ10: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujifilm X-A5 is Coming
Fujifilm X-A5
The Fujifilm X-A line is incredibily popular in Asia, and in some countries, like Thailand, the X-A line sells better than any other digital camera with interchangeable lenses (Canon and Nikon included).
The currently most recent iteration of this camera is the Fujifilm X-A3, announced back in August 25, 2016, with flippy screen and 24 MP ASP-C Bayer sensor with no on sensor phase detection pixels (PDAF).
Now Fujifilm is working on the Fujifilm X-A5. I don’t have the specs now, but would be nice if it would have PDAF.
The X-A5 could also be one of the 2 cameras Fujifilm registered bluetooth for (the first one is the Fujifilm X-E3).
And in case you wonder why the successor of the X-A3 is not called X-A4, keep in mind that this camera is extremely popular in Asia, where the Nr.4 brings bad luck. Just check out “tetraphobia” on wikipedia.
REMINDER: Fujifilm will have an announcement on October 25. The Fujifilm Instax SP-3 square printer will come… and who knows if there will be other surprises ;) .
Fujifilm X-A3: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonITA, AmazonFR, AmazonESP, PCHstore, WexUK AUS: CameraPro