Fujifilm X-E3 Will have Improved AF-Tracking… Even Better than Fujifilm X-T2

Fujifilm X-E3 Mock-up
Fujifilm X-E3 Mock-up

Fujifilm X-E3

** Fujifilm X-E User facebook Group **

The Fujifilm X-T2 autofocus is fast. I mean really fast.

It is so fast, that even the godfather of the Sony A7 series, Sony Manager Kimio Maki, confirmed in an interview, that the fast focussing Fujifilm X-T2 is a threat for Sony A7 series and that Sony does not have this weapon right now. [NOTE: a weapon, that finally came with the Sony A9]

And the X-T2 AF-tracking is also vastly improved compared to everything else we have seen before in the Fuji world.

I don’t own the X-T2, but I saw it in action last year, when I joined the Fuji X Photowalk after a very busy day at Photokina. The organizer of the photowalk, wedding photographer Jörg Kampers, had the X-T2 with the XF 56mmF1.2 and tracked a runner on the street using the 56 wide open at F1.2. And when we reviewed the images… bang… the X-T2 nailed every single shot!

But somehow it will get even better… :-)

I hear, that the Fujifilm X-E3 will have an improved AF-tracking. And I mean improved not compared to the X-E2, but compared to the X-T2!

Sounds good?

Well, then stay tuned on FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter… we are going to have a good time soon :)

have a fantastic day,
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Obvious Fujifilm X-E3 specs

  • 24MP X-Trans III sensor
  • X-Processor Pro
  • Acros film simulation

Not Rumored, but Possible X-E3 specs

  • Full Auto Switch like on X-T20 – see this image
  • 1/8000 max mechanical shutter and 1/250 sync speed

Rumored Fujifilm X-E3 specs

IBIS, really?

In the comments and at our facebook page, there was some confusion. People thought FR has said the X-E3 will have IBIS. Well, although I actually realize that no source explicitly told me that it will NOT have IBIS, I feel quite confident to say that the X-E3 won’t have IBIS. So, although not rumored by FR-sources, I say….

  • no IBIS

I guess all the confusion comes from the following rumors

  • Fujifilm X-T2 Successor to be Called Fujifilm X-T2S – read here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S will have IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) – read here
  • Don’t Worry, Fujifilm X-T2S In Body Image Stabilization (IBIS) will Work with ALL Fujinon X-Mount Lenses – read here

Fujifilm Has Outsourced Development of X-A Line. R&D Needed for Fujifilm GFX

Fellow FR-readers,

I had a call via skype with a source. It confirmed some rumors we shared here in the last few weeks (check out the “rumor-section” on FR).

And it also told me something that some of you might find interesting.

We were chatting about the production of some Fujinon lenses moving to the Philippines and I told the source that some FR-readers were worried about the build quality.

The source said that lenses are still designed and developed by Fujifilm and manufactured with highest quality standards (even in the Philippines). So, there is no quality difference between lenses made in Japan and those made in Philippines.

However, it also told me that:

“Fujifilm has outsourced the development of the Fujifilm X-A line to the Xacti Corporation. Fujifilm GFX requires a lot of R&D money. Outsourcing the development of the X-A line saves some R&D which can be used for GFX system.”

This could explain why the X-A3 and X-A10 had all these issues lately.

I also asked the source if all the R&D Fujifilm is putting into the GFX system is the reason why they have slowed down with the release of X-mount lenses. The source said that it is partially true. One reason is the GFX, the other reason is that Fujifilm was looking for “ideas” on what should be next.

Let’s hope our big future lens poll helped Fujifilm to get some clarity on which X-mount lenses X-shooters want next :)

have a GREAT day,
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Fujifilm Scrapped the Ultimate X Series Camera… Focus on Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS Camera)

Follow The Rumor Storm :)

My fellow Fuji X and G shooters, get ready for the rumor storm that will bring us right to the big Fuji announcements and ultimate Live Blogging of September 7.

And in order not to miss anything, feel free to:

  • Allow Push Notifications: You can use the little red “ring icon” on the bottom right of your browser to allow push notifications and also to manage your subscription
  • Join FR on Facebook – click here to join 44,000+ fellow X-fans already joined FR on facebook. The discussion in the comments there are just as lively as here on the blog
  • Join FR on Twitter – click here One of the best ways to scroll through the whirlwind of rumors.
  • RSS-Feed – click here

Good Bye Ultimate X

Back in spring 2017, we started hearing the first rumors about the ultimate Fujifilm X, an APS-C X-Trans camera based on X-T design, the best Fuji X for videos, and that could cost around $,3,000 (rumors of March 3, March 14 and April 14)

But suddenly, a few months later, in summer 2017, we also started hearing of the Fujifilm X-T2S, the successor if the X-T2, which will have IBIS (rumors of July 12, July 17 and July 24)

The big question I got from the community was: is the Fujifilm X-T2S the ultimate X-series camera we rumored back in spring, or is Fujifilm working on both, the X-T2S and the ultimate X?

The answer: the X-T2S is not the rumored ultimate X.

So what about the ultimate X-series camera?

The answer: it has been scrapped!

*** Follow our Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS) facebook group ***
*** Follow our Allrounder X-T Users facebook group ***

Is the X-T2s a “light” version of the Ultimate X?

Now, to avoid FR-haters’ shitstorms, I could simply tell you guys a lie and say “Yes, the X-T2S with IBIS is exactly the ultimate X-series camera I told you back in spring“.

But I’m not that kind of person.

Hence I will now tell you, that the ultimate X-series camera was a different project of Fujifilm.

Fujifilm worked on the ultimate X, discussed about the features and at a certain stage they were confident to make it (so I shared the rumors)… but at the end the scratched it, and they are now focussing on a different project, the Fujifilm X-T2S.

Some of you might consider the X-T2S a “light” version of the ultimate X, and you might not be too far off with that. But at the end I think that the differences are too big, to consider the X-T2S an “ultimate X light”.

X-T2S or Ultimate X?

When I’ve shared the very first ultimate X rumors, I noticed that the FR-community reacted sceptical to it, especially due to the high rumored price of $3,000.

And since we know that Fujifilm not only reads us, but that sometimes we can influence their decisions*, I can’t exclude, that the initial very sceptic reaction many of you guys manifested here on FujiRumors, might have discouraged Fujifilm to continue with this project.

On the other hand, it seems to me that your initial feedback to the Fujifilm X-T2S with IBIS, was much more positive. But that’s just my impression… feel free to discuss about it in the comments.

Welcome to the Fuji World

I know that after years of following the fantastic world of Fujifilm, 99,9% you guys know better than me that Fujifilm changes plans very often.

For example, Fujifilm was developing the X-Pro1s, and I shared rumors about it. But they dropped plans, even though they already had working prototypes of it (and Fujifilm even displayed the X-Pro1s at the X-Pro2 announcement)

And since with Fujifilm nothing is impossible, even products they scratched can find their way back later on. For example, I remind you how I shared the first X70 rumors in September 2013, but Fujifilm dropped plans on it shortly after. They waited a couple of years and decided to revive plans and launch the X70 on January 2016 (with exactly the same specs we rumored 3 years earlier).

So I personally wouldn’t be surprised if one day, the ultimate X will be again in development. But to be clear, right now, Fujifilm plans no longer to make it.

that’s it from my side for now… have a GREAT day, :)
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* It was your feedback and negative poll results, that killed the monochrome X-Pro1 and your positive pressure that revived the X-E3 plans and made Fujifilm say herewe are aware of the many X-E3 request”.  The feedback you give in polls makes it to internal Fujifilm meetings with the Press and even Fujifilm top manager Toshihisa Iida “Loves” FujiRumors. Fujifilm simply can’t ignore a community that is able to drop 11,000 votes in a single poll within 2 days…. and more

Fujifilm X-E3 Wrap-Up And Mock-Up!

The Fujifilm X-E3 will very likely be launched on September 7 at Fuji’s “Fujkina” event in Toyko, and probably along with other Fuji gear.

In order to manage his impatience, FR-reader Miko created his own mock-up of the Fujifilm X-E3, based on the X-E3 rumors and leaked images, which I’m happy to share today here on Fujirumors. Centered hot shoe, shutter/ISO dial combo, front dial, AF-assist light moved higher, no pop up flash… and super-sexy  :)

I’m here… back from holidays, and 100% focused on the rumors and announcements (on September 7). Hope you will stick around on FujiRumors… and feel free to follow Fujirumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, Twitter.

And now, time for an overview of rumored X-E3 specs:

Obvious Fujifilm X-E3 specs

  • 24MP X-Trans III sensor
  • X-Processor Pro
  • Acros film simulation

Not Rumored, but Possible X-E3 specs

IBIS, really?

In the comments and at our facebook page, there was some confusion. People thought FR has said the X-E3 will have IBIS. Well, although I actually realize that no source explicitly told me that it will NOT have IBIS, I feel quite confident to say that the X-E3 won’t have IBIS. So, although not rumored by FR-sources, I say….

  • no IBIS

I guess all the confusion comes from the following rumors

  • Fujifilm X-T2 Successor to be Called Fujifilm X-T2S – read here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S will have IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) – read here
  • Don’t Worry, Fujifilm X-T2S In Body Image Stabilization (IBIS) will Work with ALL Fujinon X-Mount Lenses – read here

Rumored Fujifilm X-E3 specs

Major Fujifilm X-Pro2 Kaizen Firmware Update Will Add 4K Video and More

There Will Be Kaizen

Heay gsiys I AMSMAZING casnT BNelive…

* * Dutch vegetable break * *

Sorry, I was too excited to type… but now I’m more calm… so let me try again to write it down for you ;)

Dear Fujifilm Shooters,

some of you might remember, when back in 2013, the godfather of the Fujifilm X-series, Mr. Kawahara, said in this interview of 2013 that they are committed to improve their cameras via firmware updates because “we want you to use our camera longer and longer in your life.” (Note: Kawahara left Fujifilm in 2016, as reported here).

And indeed, we have seen many huge Kaizen firmware updates for many cameras in these years.

The FW updates were so big, that Fujifilm had to re-write entire camera manuals several times and Rico had to republish updated versions of his Fuji Tips and Tricks ebooks. And (unless you are an X100S/T) owner, you had the pleasure to feel what it means to “download a complete new camera… for free“.

Well… today I’m very excited to tell you, that there will be Kaizen love again… also for the Fujifilm X-Pro2!

Fujifilm X-Pro2: Level Up

I hear from trusted sources, that Fujifilm is working on a major firmware update for the Fujifilm X-Pro2, which will, among the others, give X-Pro2 owners 4K video and more.

Here on FujiRumors, the community asked for 4K on X-Pro2 multiple times, in dedicated articles and comments, and finally also Fuji Guy Billy joined Fujirumors critics on February 2017, when he said here he is also “fighting with Japan” to implement 4K on X-Pro2.

Well… it seemed all this pressure helped ;)

So, dear X-Pro2 shooters… be patient, and you will get your Kaizen Love.

Oh… and feel free to share the joy with all of us at the Fujifilm X-Pro user group on facebook. We also have an X-T User Group, if you are interested.

Time To Dream

4K is sure. But what else would you like? Tethering? And maybe the ability to adjust ISO via command dial? Anything else? Well, then say it here in the comments… you know those guys at the Fujifilm headquarter read us and X-ray your comments :)

*** You’ve Got The Power ***

Can Fujifilm ignore a unique community on the world-wide web that is able to drop 11,000 votes in a single poll within 2 days? Nope, they simply can’t :)

And if there is a reason why Fujifilm’s most known top manager, Toshihisa Iida, “loves” FujiRumors, then it’s because you guys provide Fujifilm an umatched amount of (free) feedback every single day in your comment and poll votes.

Your diligent (and massive) participation allowed Fujirumors to become the privileged channel that connects Fujifilm to its customers… this is more that I could have ever hoped for this blog! Thanks guys :)

Now, to keep our feet well set on the ground, I will also say that I’m aware we can’t always influence Fujifilm’s decision…

… however, sometimes, we can :)

In fact, it was your feedback and negative poll results, that killed the monochrome X-Pro1 and your positive pressure that revived the X-E3 plans and made Fujifilm say herewe are aware of the many X-E3 request”.  The feedback you give in polls makes it to internal Fujifilm meetings with the Press and, as said before, even Fujifilm top manager Toshihisa Iida “Loves” FujiRumors.

So guys, never stop it and keep up sharing your daily feedback to Fujifilm :)

have a GREAT day,
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Sony’s Fast & Furious Hardware Updates Vs. Fuji’s Kaizen Philosophy :: What’s the Better Strategy to Win the Mirrorless Battle? – POLL