Fujifilm XF 200mm F2 Lens Rumors Confirmed… How Much Would You Pay for It?

Do you remember the first XF200mmF2 rumor?… No?… Oh well, that was quite some time ago indeed (February 2016!!!)

But you guys are now just as experienced as me, when it comes to Fujifilm rumors, and you know perfectly that in the fantastic Fujifilm world everything can change anytime.

Lenses in the official Fujifilm roadmap can be scratched (XF 120mm) or changed (from XF56/1.4 to XF56/1.2), products at an advanced development stage can be cancelled (X-Pro1s), prices of brand new X-gear can change just 2 days after they have been announced (X70) and a lot more.

This is why our sources always kept an eye on the “old” XF 200mm F2 rumor… ready to inform us if there will be any changes.

In fact, after the first XF200/2 rumors we shared and the huge debate we had on Fujirumors in several articles, Fujifilm officially said that they are still undecided between XF200/2 and XF200/2.8. Quote: “There’s a big difference between a 200mm f/2.8 and a 200mm f/2 – they’re totally different.”

Shortly after the Fujifilm manager statement, on March 1, 2017, I confirmed here that the XF200mm is still planed as F2 lens.

Well, I just got another update, and once more I can say, that at this stage Fujifilm is still working on the XF 200mm F2 lens… and that’s a good thing, since the majority of those, considering to buy the XF 200mm, prefer to have a max. aperture of F2.

Of course, the more time passes, the more it is unlikely that Fujifilm will change it to F2.8… but as we all know, nothing is impossible in Fujiland :)

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Fujifilm X-E3 will Shoot 4K Video

Ok guys, I’ll keep it short this time because I’m babysitting and we are trying to build a rangefinder Lego Camera like this one now : )

Today’s rumor is as simple as that: the Fujifilm X-E3 will shoot 4K video.

And in the meantime…. Billy, keep up fighting for 4K on X-Pro2… or the X-Pro2 will be the only X-TransIII camera that can’t shoot 4K!

have a GREAT day,
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Rumored Fujifilm X-E3 specs

LEAKED: Fujifilm X-E3 First Real Life Images !!!

Many watermarks, right? They have become necessary, since, if I post just one small (or even big) watermark, the usual few other sites will either edit it out or copy those parts of the leaked image that have no watermark and share them like puzzle pieces on their blogs. So I’m forced to put watermarks everywhere now. :(

All these watermarks might be annoying for some of you guys, sorry for that, but I hope you can understand my position.

At the end, the important thing is that you can see the images, and you can see them 100% here… watermarked or not ;)

*** Fujifilm X-E3 Leaked Images ***

Here we go… these are real life pics of the Fujifilm X-E3 (thanks for sharing :) ). Here is what we can notice:

  • it looks definitely smaller
  • some design changes
  • Combined Shutter/ISO dial
  • front command dial

And some specs previously rumored

Of course, it will have the 24MP X-TransIII sensor and the fast X-processor Pro.

Ok guys… I’m now leaving to participate to the 60 years birthday party of my mother with all the relatives. And guess what? As to expect, I’ve been asked to be the official “X-photographer” of the day… I somehow have the feeling this happens often also to you, am I right? ;)

My X-T1 is ready… just need one lens, still undecided if 35/1.4 or 23/1.4, but I think the 35/1.4 might be better for this occasion (I feel more comfortable shooting portraits with it).

But I’ll have my computer with me… so if there will be anything new, I’ll find the time to update you.

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Fujifilm X-E3 will have Front Command Dial and Combined ISO/Shutter Dial – First Leaked Images Coming Very Soon :)

Hey guys… finally weekend, and let’s make it even better with some nice rumors ;)

The Fujifilm X-E3 will have a front command dial and also the combined ISO/Shutter dial.

How do I know?

Because I saw it!

I’m currently editing the images and putting watermarks on them, and then I will share them. These are real life images, so not perfectly clear like product images, but they will give you anyway a very good idea about how the upcoming Fujifilm X-E3 will look like.

Tune in to fujirumors.com shortly, and you’ll see it all :)

To get instant notificiation when the images are online, feel free to allow push notificiations by clicking on the bell icon on the bottom right of your browser (the fastest way to be notified) and also follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

all the best,

Fujinon XF 80mm F2.8 OIS WR Macro to be Released in October – New Source


Ok guys, today I woke up with a rumor in my inbox, send to me from a new source… and I think it might interest some of you, so I’ll share it right away :)

According to this source, the Fujinon XF 80mm F2.8 OIS WR Macro will hit the market in October (take it with a grain of salt).

If the information is correct, late summer/early fall announcement for the XF 80mm F2.8 is possible.

Fujifilm displayed the XF80mmF2.8 OIS WR at Photokina 2016. The indicated filter thread was 62 (but of course these things can change). Also, as reported by dc.watch, Fujifilm said in this presentation of July 2016, that it will be compatible with the 1.4x teleconverter and the 2x teleconverter.

The XF 80 Macro was initially planed without OIS. But when I shared that “XF80 OIS-less Rumor” here, Fujifilm earned a lots of shitstorm critiques from you guys… and I wouldn’t be surprised if also your feedback motivated them to redesign it with OIS… it wouldn’t be the first time that you guys convinced Fujifilm to re-think something.

I also remind you that Fujifilm originally wanted to make an XF 120 Macro lens. The lens was even in the official roadmap. However, here on FujiRumors we broke the news, that, even though in the roadmap, the XF 120 had been scrached in favor of a smaller XF 80 Macro. A few months later, Fujifilm updated the roadmap and, just as rumored, they cancelled the XF120 and added the XF 80 to the roadmap.

Ok… this was a XF 80mm short recap.

I hope you are all having a great summer and I wish you all a fantastic start in your weekend :)

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