Ok guys, I think you will love this one… the Fujifilm X-E3 will have the joystick !!!
According to our huge X-E3 poll results here, the joystick is one of the most wanted features for the upcoming Fujifilm X-E3 (it beats IBIS, weather sealing, touch screen and more).
And also for me personally, the lack of a Joystick would have been a 100% dealbreaker. So great to know the Fujifilm X-E3 will have one.
If you have followed Fujirumors recently, you might have read about the Fujifilm X-T2 successor, the Fujifilm X-T2s.
The big question now is: what will changed compared to the Fujifilm X-T2?
Well, I feel confident to announce, that the Fujifilm X-T2s is currently planed to feature IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization).
PLEASE NOTE that I have not shared ANY release date for the Fujifilm X-T2s until now on Fujirumors. And keep in mind that here on FujiRumors you often get also long term rumors. So just the fact that I share Fujifilm X-T2s rumors now, does not necessarily mean that it is just around the corner. This is something I’m working on right now and I will update you as soon as I can.
And to make absolutely sure you won’t miss anything, feel free to allow push notificiations by clicking on the bell on the bottom right of your browser and also follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.
Just yesterday I shared here, that a trusted source told us the Fujifilm X-E3 will have “some new technologies not previously seen on any of the other Fujifilm cameras”.
Well, I can now tell you that one of these new features will be bluetooth.
In the comments to yesterday’s rumor I saw many of you speculating it could be IBIS. I have no rumors about it, but frankly, I’d be very surprised if it had in body image stabilization. So my personal guess is that it won’t have IBIS.
I’m trying to figure out what the others are (and to understand if they are hardware or firmware based), so if there is anyone out there, who can help me, feel free to contact me at fujirumor@gmail.com (use a fake email account if you want) , via personal message on Facebook and Twitter or you can go the 100% anonymous route and share by using the rumor box (in this case, it would help me if you would give yourself a nick-name).
Hey guys… hope your doing absolutely fantasitc :) !
Today I come into your life with a rumor and a teaser :)
The Rumor
A trusted source (thanks a lot), dropped me this message:
“The ‘new’ X-E3 will share some new technologies not previously seen on any of the other Fujifilm cameras“
The Teaser
I’m working on it, and I think I know at least 1 of these new technologies (a hardware based feature). Just give me the time to collect all permissions needed from sources to share it on FR, and you will read it on FR (shouldn’t take long).
Nope. I will not unveil anything privately via email. I will publish it on FujiRumors, so it will be very democratic: everybody will know at the same time :) .
But so far, I know only of 1 new feature. Our trusted source, though, said “some” new technologies. At this point thanks again to the trusted source for the hint… now I know I have still some homework to do :) .
I would like to inform you that the successor of the Fujifilm X-T2 will be called Fujifilm X-T2s ♥.
At this point, some of you might remember, when I once said that Fujifilm will release an X-Pro1s, which evidently never materialized. Fujifilm even had working prototypes of it, as they officially showed here, but then they scratched the concept in the last second, skipped it, and waited for the X-Pro2 to be ready.
At this stage, though, I don’t think the X-T2s will have the same fate of the X-Pro1s. Fujifilm seems very convinced of the project, and this makes me very confident to share it here on FujiRumors.
Now, I like to imagine many of you guys somewhere on holidays, relaxing with a beer on a beach or admiring a great panorama from the top of a mountain. And I really do not want to disturb you too much.
But I have the feeling that it could be worth to tune into FujiRumors now and then also from your holidays in the next couple of weeks. Sure, I’m aware that no rumor on earth can beat a good beer on the beach, but I’m working hard to try to give you a little fun time also here on FujiRumors ;) .
And to make absolutely sure you won’t miss anything, feel free to allow push notificiations by clicking on the bell on the bottom right of your browser and also follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.