A few months ago, I told you that Fujifilm is working on a new XF 18mm F2 MK II lens.
Some FR-readers were worried, that the 18 MK II could be just a “new version” like the XF18-135 and XF27, which are now moving to the Philippines and hence got a new product number (this is why stores mark them as new version).
But I want to assure you, that the XF 18mm F2 MK II will be a REAL second version of the original XF 18mm F2, and not just get a new product number.
XF18-55 made in Japan (old) and made in Philippines (new)
Lens Production Moving to Philippines
Ok guys, I went through your comments regarding the “XF lenses made in Philippines” article yesterday here, and I perceived some confusion. So I thought I take my time to clarify a few things:
↓ A source told me that Fujifilm is moving the production of SOME lenses to Philippines. The same source also said that, in the long-term, MAYBE it could be even ALL X-mount lenses, but it was not sure about this. This is why yesterday I wrote: “A kind source (thanks) informed me that Fujifilm is moving the production of some X-mount lenses (maybe even ALL X-mount lenses), to the Philippines.” ↓
So the sure thing is, that the production of some lenses is moving from other countries to Philippines. As we could see in the last few days here on FR, this is happening now with the XF18-135 and XF27mm (which are made in China).
But also XF lenses made originally in Japan, are now moving (or already moved) to the Philippines. For example, take a look at the image above. You can see how my personal XF 18-55 is made in Japan, whereas the XF 18-55 a FR-reader purchased recently in Austria is made in the Philippines. The reader told me that her 18-55 is of impeccable quality, as well as her X-T20, which is made in China.
So the source is right: Fujifilm is moving the production of some lenses (made in China or Japan) to Philippines.
The part my source could not tell me for sure, was, if it will affect all XF lenses in future. It’s a possibility, but it’s not sure yet. I will write an update as soon as I can.
↓ Made in Philippines is not bad at all ↓
Some people perceived my blog post yesterday, as if I would be worried, that quality will suffer if lenses are made in Philippines. But I am not worried at all. As long as Fujifilm keeps the same quality standards as in their Japanese factories, to me, that’s not a problem. And let me add, also as long as Fujifilm treats workers well.
I mean, many of you will probably read this article on a Macbook, iPad or iPhone… which are all made in China. Do you perceive them as badly assembled?
So “made in Philippines” does not mean we lose any quality. Fujifilm sets the quality standard in their factories, and I am sure, wherever they make their lenses, they will be high quality.
the XF 18-135 and XF 27mm MK II that popped up on several stores is only because of product number change
My post yesterday was also mainly a response to all the MK II versions we saw popping up on stores worldwide. I wanted to inform you that you should NOT expect any new lens, but that only the product number changed.
Ok… these were the two main clarifications I thought I needed to make.
Well… I have an update for you, that could explain why all these “new versions” pop up on stores.
A kind source (thanks) informed me that Fujifilm is moving the production of some X-mount lenses (maybe even ALL X-mount lenses), to the Philippines.
This has been also proven by a FR-reader, who shared with us the images of his XF27mm made in the Philippines. And by moving the lens production to another country, Fujifilm has changed the product number… hence now stores are listing it as “New”… but it’s just a new product number.
And when the Spanish store earlier today shared the XF27mm II “PH”, well, PH could stand for “Philippines”. But even if it does not stand for Philippines, it’s not really relevant at this point. Fact is (oh sorry, I should say “rumor has it”) that X-mount lens production is moving to the Philippines.
So… what once was made in Japan, or China (27mm) or Thailand, is now (or will soon be) made in Philippines, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as long as the quality remains the same (and let me add: also the fair treatment of workers… treat your workers well, and the products will be better, too)
For the complete picture: 27mm, 18-135, XC lenses and cameras like the X-M1 and so forth, are already made in China and Thailand. But the lens production is moving all to Philippines now… even the Japanese XF lenses.
Just yesterday I reported, how several stores are saying that a new XF 18-135 and XF27mm are coming.
Well, here is another one.
A Spanish FR-reader told me that his local store is listing both, the classic XF27mmF2.8 and a mysterious New XF27mmF2.8 II PH.
The specs listed at the store for both lenses are identical (so evidently copy & paste from the original 27).
Maybe all this means nothing… or maybe where there is smoke there is fire ;).
Anyway, wouldn’t it be nice to have a XF27mmF2.8 MK II with aperture ring, just like Fujifilm’s first XF27mm mock-ups displayed at official events years ago?
The American West & Route 66, shot with a Fujifilm X-T20 and a XF27mmF2.8 pancake lens at Rico’s flickr here…. I wonder if it’s the Mark I or Mark II :-)
Let’s talk about the Fujinon XF 18-135 lens, one of my favorite travel lenses ever, and about the XF27mm.
Back in March, Fujifilm said here that they are having some production issues with the XF 18-135 “[google translated] due to lack of procurement of some parts” and that the situation will be solved “around summer“.
But something strange is happening in the last few weeks. Some stores seem to indicate that a newer version is on the way, of both, the 18-135 and the 27.
Here is what they say:
18-135 mm: AmazonUK: “There is a newer model of this item → This item has not yet been released.”
27 mm: AmazonUK: “There is a newer model of this item → Currently unavailable. We don’t know when or if this item will be back in stock.”
Fotokoch: This German Store marked the XF18-135 as well as the XF27mm as as “Neuheit“, which in German does not mean simply it’s a new, unused item. It means it is a completely new product on the market. That’s why I got many emails from German FR-readers pointing me to this store. I don’t know if there is a equivalent English word for “Neuheit“. Foto Koch says they will ship the new 18-135 in the end of July but they don’t give any shipping indication for the new 27mm.
Other stores just mark the 18-135 as back-ordered, whereas the 27mm is usually in stock.
BHphoto: “Back-ordered. Expected availability: Jul 17, 2017” Adorama: “Back-ordered” AmazonDE: “This item is not yet available WexUK: “Awaiting Stock”