Fujifilm X-E3 Confirmed To Be Announced This Year (2017) – Trusted Source

Fujifilm X-E3 Mock-up
Fujifilm X-E3 Mock-up

Fujifilm X-E3

I can now confirm via trusted source, that the Fujifilm X-E3 will come this year (2017). A new source said it will come fall 2017.

I would like to say thanks to every one of you guys, who helped me to make pressure on Fujifilm and to make them understand that it would be an epic error to kill the X-E line.

And now I’ll go out in rain and make a joyful dance :-)

Fujifilm reads you guys. Your opinions even make it into official Fujifilm meetings with the press or can push Fujifilm to drop plans on cameras like the monochrome X-Pro. So keep up commenting and sharing here on FujiRumors because…

… together we can be stronger than you might think :)

have a Great Day…
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and Twitter

Fujifilm GFX 50s: First “Significant” Firmware Update Coming in May – Source Right in the Past

According to a source, right in the past, the first “significant” Firmware update for the Fujifilm GFX 50s will come in May.

I don’t know at the moment what “significant” means exactly, but sure it sounds more than just a little bug fix. However, I doubt it will be a huge update like the one that the X-T2 and X-Pro2 recently got (and more will come at the end of May).

As always, it’s a firmware rumor, so even if the top Fuji manager itself would announce it, you should take it with a grain of salt.

However, it’s time for GFX owners to make their first Kaizen wish-list… so don’t hesitate, and drop it here in the comments. You know Fujifilm reads us ;)

And feel free to enjoy our terrific Fujifilm GFX group, where 10,500+ members enjoy to share everything about the GFX and don’t forget to follow the GFX facebook page for GFX tailored news and rumors.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

enjoy your day
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LEAKED: First Image of the Fujifilm X100 LH (for Left Handed)

What a shock!

Coming home tired in the evening and suddenly discover that:

  • I have no more beer in the fridge!!!
  • an incredible rumor landed in my inbox

I’m desperately trying to find a beer “in stock” somewhere, but first I have to share with you this amazing rumor:

An anonymous source (with nick-name) kindly used the rumor box to send me this: the first image of the Fujifilm LH. The anonymous source (thanks) writes:

Leak !
Fuji always listening to their customers, they prepare a test on the next X100LH
special edition for left handed (or left eye) photographers.
Tell you more when I know when delivered

I want to be 100% honest with you guys, so I must add that I’ve received this rumor back on March 5 via rumor box**. I really couldn’t wait to share it with all of you guys, but in order to keep my rumor accuracy high I had to triple check it.

Well, all the checkings are done now and the day to share it has finally come :-)

take care, fellow rumor friends
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** I swear you guys, I really got exactly this rumor via rumor box on March 5

Sony Presents New BSI 100MP Medium Format Sensor (for Fujifilm GFX?) to Be Launched in 2018

The news spotted by mirrorlessrumors today got posted on March 31. We can only hope Armdevices didn’t try to fool us by posting it one day earlier to make it sound more credible.

They video shows a new 100MP back illuminated Sony’s medium format. mirrorlessrumors summary of the video:

1) New 100MP 44x33mm Medium format Back Illuminated sensor would be announced in 2018 (for the kind of cameras like the Fuji GFX and X1D)
2) New 150MP 55x41mm Medium format Back Illuminated sensor would be announced in 2018 (for the kind of cameras like the Phase One 100XF).

Would a Fujifilm X-E3 without Tilt Screen be a Dealbreaker for You? – POLL

Fujifilm X-E3 Vs. Rest of the X-World

NOTE: This is NOT a rumor that says the X-E3 has no tilt screen

In my love letter to the X-E3 back in June 2016, I launched several polls, to see which camera X-shooters would prefer to buy: X-E3, X-Pro2, X-T20 and X-T2.

Well, the X-E3 is the clear winner.

Coincidence or not, a few months later, Fujifilm officially said that “we are aware of the many requests for Fujifilm X-E3“.

The rumors? In December 2016 I’ve shared that the X-E3 is back on Fuji’s To-Do list and just recently a new source told us that the X-E3 could come this fall.

Now believe me, I’m a guy that has its feet well set on the ground, but I can’t stop thinking that Fujifilm was motivated to revive plans for the X-E3 after they saw the overwhelming positive response it got here on FujiRumors. And it wouldn’t be the first time, you guys influenced Fujifilm decisions.

They read you guys… your opinions even make it into official Fujifilm meetings with the press ;)

The Problem with the X-E3 Poll

But there was something in the X-E3 Vs. Rest of the X-world polls we should consider: I told you to imagine an X-E3 with tilt screen, and then vote on it.

But what if the X-E3 had no tilt screen? Would you still prefer it over the X-T2, X-T20 and X-Pro2?

To answer this question I will launch the same poll again, and see how good (or not) a “tilt-screen-less” Fujifilm X-E3 performs in the survey compared to an X-E3 with tilt screen.

happy voting :)
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Fujifilm X-E3 WITHOUT Tilt-screen Polls

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **