Fujifilm (Currently) Planing a Fujinon XF200mm F2 :: POLL – F2 or F2.8

Recently Fujifilm updated the roadmap, and shows for 2018 a ultra wide angle zoom (the rumored 8-16) and a telephoto prime lens.

An old rumor of over 1 year ago, shared by source, right in the past, said that on Fuji’s internal roadmap it is a 200mmF2 lens. Well, I got further indication now, that it is still currently planed as F2 lens.

However, as the source wants to make clear, these things can change very quickly at Fujifilm, since they are still investigating how profitable various options would be, so an F2.8 option is still on the table… as also a Fujifilm Manager also said here.

And as usual, when Fujifilm is in trouble, I know that you guys are always willing to help with your contributions… and we have multiple evidence that the Fujifilm Management not only reads us, but eventually also makes decisions based on your feedback.

So, here is a poll….

Of course, keep in mind, that if you vote for the 200/2, you will get a bigger and more expensive lens as opposed to the relatively smaller and more affordable 200/2.8. Each lens has its Pros and Cons… but vote only for the one you would buy.

I would buy a...

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Fujifilm GFX Shooting Review :: GFX Profoto and Miltiblitz Support :: Full Size and ISO 4000 Samples


Shooting Review: Fujifilm GFX System at bigheadtaco youtube. Some considerations out of his 50 minutes long video:

  • EVF is laggy in dark conditions [EVF refresh rate of GFX is 50 fps]
  • EVF sticks out, which is great, since your face/nose hardly touches screen
  • impressed with JPEG’s also whet it comes to highlight/shadow recovery
  • Play and Delete button in an odd spot
  • 63mm AF a little bit slow
  • 32-64 Take’s favorite lens. In good light it rarely missed and very quite. A lot faster AF than 63mm
  • if you are currently shooting high-end DSLRs for weddings, portraits, studio and you are considering buying the GFX, the GFX is an awesome choice.

P.S.: Take has excellent contacts with Fujifilm, and in the video he mentions the X70S, with a vague hint “if that comes out soon“. He also mentioned a Rangefinder styled GFX (which was mentioned first by a Fujifilm Manager here)

Another First Look: Fujifilm GFX 50S at atmtxphoto

Dpreview updated GFX Sample Gallery.


I’ve shared the rumor of Profoto support for Fuji last year here. In the last weeks, we could already see many X-photographers using Profoto with their GFX. I also just got further indications, that Profoto, Miltiblitz and other important flash manufacturers are now or will soon work on the protocols that will add full support for the GFX. HSS up to 1/4000 should be possible.

Fujifilm GFX USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro


These are samples shared over at the Fujifilm GFX facebook group

Tom Museeuw – image shared here: Rosalinde Fujifilm GFX50s & GF120mm F4 (Jpeg edit)
1/80, F4.5, ISO 800, GF120mm

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Sebastian Lee – image shared here
From a test shoot earlier this month. 120mm, 1/125, F11, ISO 50. Lit with Profoto B1’s. Fullsize JPG link here.

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Jeroen Selderslaghs – image shared here: First serious photoshoot with the GFX 50S. Reliable autofocus in low light conditions is good news. ISO performance at 4000 is still very useful. It was near dark so i had no choice then high iso to get enough ambiant light at a decent shutter speed

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Tinnapho: p Tonitiwong – shared here: Fujifilm GFX 50S + all 3 GF lenses. Sony A7RII + 24-70mm f2.8 GM size comparison

BREAKING RUMOR :: Fujifilm X80 Coming Second Half of 2017

Fujifilm X80

Time to retire (already) for the [shoplink 54269 ebay]Fujifilm X70[/shoplink]. I’m receiving several hints (thanks a lot for your help) that Fujifilm is already working on the Fujifilm X80 and plans to release it in the second half of this year (2017)!

The little Fujifilm X70 was Fujifilm’s first camera featuring a flippy selfie touch screen and was launched along with the X-Pro2 in January 2016. Sadly, the X70 was a failure for Fujifilm and is now already discontinued. The pre-orders were so low, that Fujifilm even lowered its price tag just 4 days after its announcement.

However, it seems that Fujifilm is convinced of the concept (super compact APS-C camera), and will give it a refresh quite soon with the Fujifilm X80.

So how will it look like? I’ll work on it… and if you can help me to find the right path, feel free to contact me via the anonymous rumor box (if you use a nick name, that would be great) or via email at fujirumor@gmail.com (use a fake email if you prefer).

You can contact me anytime also via private message on Facebook and Twitter.

Find Fujifilm X70 Deals [shoplink 54269 ebay]at your local eBay here[/shoplink]

Fujifilm X70: USA: [shoplink 54269 ebay]eBay[/shoplink], BHphoto, AmazonUS, FocusCamera, Adorama CANADA: AmazonCA EUROPE: [shoplink 54269 ebay]eBay[/shoplink], AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstoreAUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed
and Twitter

My vintage X70 (not for weak hearted) shared by FujiGlitch
From the Article: X-Pro2, Ken Rockwell is Unimpressed :: Self Made Vintage X70 :: Which Lens Throw Off My Roof – CLICK HEREImage by FujiGlitch

Estimated Price of GF 110mmF2, GF 45mmF2.8 and GF23mmF4

So, how much will the next GF lenses cost? At this stage, I want to make clear that an estimated price has been set by Fujifilm, but it’s not final… as so often, changes can be made until the last second.

I’m in talk with sources, who asked me to wait for the final price tag. All that seems sure for now, is that Fuji would like to keep the price of the GF 110mmF2 below $3,000.

However, some prices already surfaced on the web.

  • Fujinon GF 23mmF4 = $2599
  • Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8 = $1699
  • Fujinon GF 110mmF2 = $2799

Again… take it with a grain of salt, since Fujifilm is known to change price tag anytime, even after the announcement of gear, like it happened with the X70, where the price was lowered 3 days after pre-orders were already open.

I’ll let you know as soon as I get the final price from sources.

Join the Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group

via photorumors

BREAKING :: GF 110mm F2 Release in May :: Capture One WILL Support the Fujifilm GFX :: Fujifilm GFX First Impressions!

Capture One GFX Support

I got the first hint here at the Fujifilm GFX facebook group: GFX member Theodoros had a talk with a Fuji rep, who promised him that Capture One will support the Fujifilm GFX – read this thread here.

Only a rumor you say? You need more?

Well, then you can add this one: in his recently published GFX review, popular X-photographer Patrick La Roque says that he knows Capture One WILL support the Fujifilm GFX… and Patrick is definitely someone, who has the right contacts to be able to claim that.

GFX First Impressions

So yes, Patrick published his GFX First impressions. I know some of you say that reviews of official X-photographers should be taken with a grain of salt, but I don’t really think so. These are guys, who perfectly master their X-gear and are super-familiar with it. If they criticise a Fuji camera, it’s for sure not because they missed to read the manual and don’t know, how to use or set the camera properly (which I’ve seen very often on youtube-reviews).

And btw, Patrick La Roque is the same guy, who at the day when Fujifilm announced the X-M1, wrote a review, where he demolished the X-M1, saying that he does not like it all and it’s the most uninspiring piece of gear Fujifilm ever produced. So Patrick has proven not to be afraid to say what he thinks.

So here are some considerations he made in his great first impressions:

  • I’ve been told it WILL be supported by Phase One
  • What has me most excited is the overall smoothness of the image. It’s very hard to explain but when I compare to similar images shot with previous cameras, there’s less edge, more fluidity.
  • Very impressed by the zoom’s performance and leaning towards the wider range it offers

Patrick also tells us that the GF 110mm f/2 will be released in May. Go to laroquephoto.com to read more.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, CalumetDE AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro