Fujifilm Plans Fujinon XF 18mm F2 Mark II Lens (SRP)

Fujinon XF 18mm F2 Mark II

According to a source, right in the past (SRP), the Fujinon XF 18mm F2 Mark II is high on Fuji’s “To Do” list.

We recently launched the Ultimate X-Series Lens Poll here on FujiRumors. In case you missed it, check out the results here. All I will anticipate now is that the Fujinon XF 18mm F2 Mark II is indeed very high on the FR-community wish-list (currently #5 out of 30 lenses).

I owned the XF 18mm F2, but sold it to get some money to buy the 12mm Samyang and the Fujinon XF 18-135. My reasoning was that I don’t really need it anymore, owning the 18-55 and 18-135 that cover the 18mm focal length. However, I have to say that I regret selling it, since I miss the compact size of the 18/2. I was almost about to pull the trigger on the 27mm pancake to finally have a very compact lens again, but after this rumor I guess I will hold on a little bit more… ;)

The XF18mmF2 was also Nate’s choice for his One Year, One Lens World Travel.

First Images of Fujifilm GFX Adapters for Leica M, Zeiss Otus, Mamiya, Schneider-Kreuznach + Focal Plane Shutter Advantage ;)

GFX + Otus 85mm f1.4


Did I tell you already, that there is some awesome stuff going on at the Fujifilm GFX facebook group? ;)

Well, here is another interesting thing, spotted by GFX facebook member Issa.

He spotted images of several adapters for the Fujifilm GFX at a Chinese website, I can’t access to (only registered members can), but Issa was so nice to share them with us on the GFX facbeook page here.

The images show the following lenses adapted to the GFX (sample images are included)

I guess these are prototypes Fujifilm is currently developing (in addition to the Hasselblad H adapter that has already been launched along with the GFX). Here is the GFX facebook post that shows all the adapters .

Now that’s the good part of having a focal plane shutter… you can use any lens on the GFX and adds flexibility to the system :-)


** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujinon XF 33mm F1.0 No Longer on Fujifilm’s Internal Roadmap … GAME OVER for Fuji’s Super Fast Lens?

Fujinon XF 33mm F1.0

Back in 2015, I told you here that Fujifilm had plans to develop the Fujinon XF 33mm F1.0 lens.

But something changed in 2016, when I told you here that the terrific success of the XF35mmF2 WR convinced Fujifilm to focus on compact and weather sealed lenses. Also, the GFX + GF lenses came along, and Fuji had to put lots of R&D into the development of a complete new system.

As a consequence, the development of the XF33mmF1.0 had been pushed back (as well as the one of the XF8-16 and 200mm).

So, in these days, I’ve tried to understand what happened with these 3 long rumored lenses. I was able to confirm, that the XF 8-16 is on Fujifilm internal roadmap and is scheduled to be the lens to come after the XF80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro.

But here comes the bad news:

I had a talk with a long-term trusted sources about the Fujinon XF 33mm F1.0. The source told me, that, at this stage, the XF33mmF1.0 is no longer on Fujifilm’s internal roadmap. Hence, the source has big doubts it will ever come.

If you have something to say to Fujifilm about it, this is the moment to say it…. because remember… they do read you ;)

So what do you think… should we start to make some pressure just as we did with the X-E3?

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujifilm X100F: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujifilm X-T20: USA BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

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Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR will Be The Next X-mount Lens Launched after the XF80mm Macro – Source Right in the Past

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR

I’ve shared the first rumor about the Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR in May 2016. Since then, we haven’t heard much about it anymore.

All we know, is that Fujifilm delayed the release of the XF8-16mm, because they prioritized smaller WR lenses, such as the XF35mmF2, XF23mmF2 and the XF50mmF2… and of course Fujifilm invested a lot of time also in the medium format G-mount system.

But here is an update for you today.

I hear from a source, right in the past, that once Fujifilm completed the current roadmap with the release of the XF80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro later this year, the next X-mount lens to be released will be the Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8. But… please take long term rumors always with …. you know what ;)

Stay tuned on FujiRumors…. because apparently rumors never take a rest ;)

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujifilm X100F: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujifilm X-T20: USA BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

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Fujifilm Managers: “We are Aware of the Many Requests for Fujifilm X-E3. Rangefinder GFX is an Option. GF Lenses Design Challanges & Future”

Dpreview Interviews Fujifilm Managers

Dpreview interviewed Fuji Guy Billy (Manager for the Technical Marketing and Product Specialist Group) and two more Fuji Managers, Makoto Oishi, manager of Fujifilm’s Sales and Marketing Group and Yuji Igarashi, general manager of Fujifilm’s Electronic Imaging Division.

They talk about the latest big Fuji announcements. If you are in a hurry, here some of the highlights:

  • GFX TARGET: Fashion, commercial and landscape photographers. And especially when it comes to landscape, it’s not just professional photographers, but also amateur photographers. The tonality and dynamic range also mean it’ll appeal to wedding and architecture photographers.
  • NEW GF LENSES (besides the 6 already announced): We have some ideas but haven’t decided yet. For example maybe a wide-angle zoom for landscape photographers or maybe something like a 200 or 250mm and so on. We want more feedback from users about what to make next.
  • AUTOFOCUS: Some of the first [GF] lenses have linear motors, whereas the 63mm has a different motor, more like the one used in the 23mm F2. The autofocus speed is already very good: we haven’t had any complaints. Instead we’ve had some users surprised by how fast the contrast-detection system is. From a technical point of view, maybe in the future we might incorporate phase-detection pixels. On the other hand, we’re already developed advanced CDAF algorithms.’ There’s no image quality cost to using phase detection.
  • GF LENS DESING CHALLANGES: As the sensor becomes bigger, that means chromatic aberration becomes bigger: it’s proportional to the size. In GFX we’ve minimized aberrations optically and the used digital compensation only to refine then final result, and it depends on lens
  • GFX 50R RANGERFINDER?: The GFX 50S is one style: the ‘S’ means ‘SLR-style.’ Another way to do it would be a rangefinder style camera. Maybe an ‘R’ could be a rangefinder: we’re always considering other options and possibilities.
  • X100F: The X100 series presents a great opportunity: the body size means it works as a second camera for anyone: not just Fujifilm users. If they fall in love with your system then maybe they’ll consider your cameras in future.’ […] X100 is about design. Even making it a couple of millimeters thicker to incorporate a touchscreen or tilt screen would make a big difference. It could change the design completely
  • X-E3: ‘XE is an important series for us,’ Oishi says: ‘There are so many XE1, 2 and 2S users in the world. We are always thinking about the next model, whether that’s XT, XE or X-Pro. Obviously we can’t confirm anything at this point but we are aware there are many requests for this type of camera [see these FujiRumors Polls]

So there is hope for the X-E3… and I like it to believe we, the Fujirumors community, were able to make enough pressure on Fujifilm in all these months… as we already did with other products in the past apparently.

You can read the whole interview at dpreview here.