Fujifilm X100F :: OVF/EVF Lever with Integrated Button + Control Ring on the Lens ** X100F RUMOR RECAP (not fake ;) )


Fuji X100F with front dial mock-up
Shared at the Fuji X100F facebook group by Mason

Fujifilm X100F

The Fujifilm X100F will have a control ring (works like the one we find on the already discontinued Fujifilm X70) and a button on the OVF/EVF Switch lever.

ATTENTION: I see a few websites, that copy (correct) rumors from FR (of course without credit), and, without respect to their readers, add fake ones on the top of it. This is confusing X-shooters, especially those wondering if they should wait for the X100F or buy the discounted X100T. So it happens that I get quite some emails asking for clarification. I’m trying to answer you all, but you can check the rumors by yourself, too, without waiting for my reply… just search for X100F at FujiRumors, and you will see them all.

X100F or X100T… the decision is up to you… all I can do is to deliver you as accurate rumors as possible… so here is the full list of rumored specs:

X100T (save $200): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaFocusCamera

_ _ _

Rumored Specs Fuji X100F facebook Group:

Sony Stops Making 16MP Sensors :: Fujifilm 16MP X-Cameras Affected :: Fujifilm X70 Already Marked as Discontinued

Sony Stops 16MP Sensor Production

According to a new source (thanks), Sony just stopped the production of its 16 Megapixel sensors. As a consequence, so the source, Fujifilm is in the process of withdrawing all its 16MP cameras.

If true, then this is the end for 16MP X-Trans cameras… and some of those had a considerably short production life, as for example the Fujifilm X70 and Fujifilm X-E2s, which were launched just 11 months ago!

The source said that Sony’s decision surprised Fujifilm, since it came without much advanced warning (usually Sony gives a much longer advanced warning when it comes to end of sensor production, so that companies can adjust their strategy according to Sony’s sensor plans).

Fujifilm X70 Marked as Discontinued

Here is another puzzle piece, found by an attentive FR-reader (thanks), who followed the discussion about the X70 at kakaku.com.

Someone over there wrote an email to Fujifilm and asked why, at some Japanese stores, the X70 is no more available. Well, Fujifilm told him that the X70 has been discontinued. You can read the discussion at kakaku (translation).

And indeed, stores like yodobashi maked the black X70 as discontinued. And also at mapcamera you can’t find any X70 anymore (just accessories).

I’ve checked also EU/US stores and indeed X70 stock can be very limited or even not available, like at AmazonUK (silver version)

I remind you that also the X-T10 and X-E2 were marked as discontinued at the official Fujifilm site.

Fujifilm X70: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / FocusCamera / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro 

by FujiRumors

If all said above is no coincidence, then here is what could have happend:

Fujifilm was surprised by the fact that Sony ends production, and decided to discontinue the X70 in order to use the remaining 16MP sensors for much more popular 16MP cameras like the X-T10.

Or maybe I’m reading too much into it, and the rumor + fact are not related to each other… I’ll let you know if, with the help of sources, I can find out something more.

stay tuned…
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X-T10 (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / FocusCamera / Adorama
X-T10 doubt XC kit (save $400): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama

Fujifilm X100F: Tilt Screen or Not? Here is the Answer… by Trusted Source


Fujifilm X-Pro2 at Adorama with a $300 rebate here ($150 rebate + gift card of $150)

Fujifilm X100F – Tilt Screen or Not?

One of the question I get very often, is if the Fujifilm X100F will have a tilt screen or not. Well, I had a talk with a trusted source, who told me that the Fujifilm will NOT have a tilt screen.

Dear X-folks, we are now entering a very hot rumor time, so, for Real-Time Live Notification make sure to follow FujiRumors also via Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

And feel free to join the Fujifilm X100F facebook group.

Now share the word… and don’t forget to say where you read this rumor… I know it’s hard, but I believe in you… you can make it ;)

And as a reminder, here is again the Poll I’ve launched back in March, where I asked if you guys want a Tilt Screen or not on the X100T Successor.

Tilt screen

View Results

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Debunking Fake Rumors :: No Fujifilm X100F in February… it Will Be Announced in January! – TRUSTED SOURCE


Fuji X100F with front dial mock-up
Shared at the Fuji X100F facebook group by Mason

Fujifilm X100F

I read many rumors elsewhere, about an X100F announcement in February. But I have to inform you that this (and more) are just fake rumors.

So, it’s time to set things right now.

There won’t be any Fujifilm X100F announcement in February, not even at the CP+ show in Japan (where we might get other cool stuff, but not the X100F). The Fujifilm X100F will get its launch party in January.

This comes from trusted source.

Feel free to share the word on other blogs and forums… and remember that I don’t have anything against it, if you quote the blog, where you got this (and other) rumors ;)

My Rumor Codex: I’m aware of the responsibility that comes with running the biggest X-related website and dealing with rumors, and as a sign of respect and responsibility towards all FR-readers, I do not share fake rumors. I’ll always try to give you the most accurate rumors I can… in my crappy English, of course ;).

And at this point, I really have to express my deepest gratitude to all those sources, who shared correct information and help us to keep the X-world out there excited… it’s awesome how reliable you are :-)

and don’t worry… we are going to have fun, dear X-folks ;)
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed
and Twitter

See the First Image of the Fujifilm X100F (Low Resolution)


First Image of Fujifilm X100F

Every good rumor story starts with an ultra grainy leaked image here on FujiRumors…. and it is not different this time :) What you see, is the first image of the Fujifilm X100F. No big surprises when it comes to the design… it is and remains super-sexy… just a little nice detail: the front dial.

So you want high-res images? Just stay tuned on FujiRumors ;)

Thanks for sharing… and feel free to keep up sharing rumor with fellow X-shooters ;). You can contact me via email at fujirumor@gmail.com, anonymously via rumor box and via private message on Facebook and Twitter.

Also, feel free to join the Fuji X100F facebook group.

X100F RECAP: The Fujifilm X100F is rumored to have the same 23/2 lens of the previous generations (rumor here), it will take NP-W126(S) batteries (rumor here) and it will have the integrated shutter/ISO dial (rumor here).

stay tuned,