Local Store lists Fujifilm GFX 50s for “about €8000” :: More Fujifilm GFX Hands-On Reports

The 3,500 members of the Fujifilm GFX facebook group are very active. Some had the opportunity to test the GFX and shared their feedback for example here, some other guys are fighting hard to get their hands on as first on the GFX, like E. Bouvet and J. Apruzzese here, and more feedback and images can be checked out also here.

So you see… the group is very active and sharing stuff that fast, that I simply can’t keep up with it on FujiRumors. So, if you are interested in the Fujifilm GFX, then I recommend you to join the Fujifilm GFX facebook group.

Now, there are still many questions open regarding the Fujifilm GFX, and one of the hottest is for sure about its price. I’ve reported in the past, how an official Vietnamese store and Fujifilm showroom listed the GFX (+ lens) for sale for $8500 (€7,700).

Another hint has just been spotted by GFX facebook member Boerckel here. He noticed the flier of a German Store, where the Fujifilm GFX 50s price is said to be “about €8000“. It’s not clear if they mean body only or with GF63mm lens. The image shows the camera with lens, whereas the product description does not mention the lens.

Some reactions from the comments here:

  • J. Lindalen: “kids won’t be getting christmas presents this year, I need to save up some $$
  • M. Kuhnreich “Ha, my kids aren’t even allowed at the dentist this year. Daddy’s portraits are going to look awesome, though!”

a friendly GFX meeting

Fujifilm Will Launch Lenses with Clickless Aperture for Video in 2017 – New Source


X-Video Lenses

According to a new source, Fujifilm will launch lenses with clickless aperture in 2017. These lenses are ment for X-shooters, who use their X-camera especially for videos.

Of course, take it with a grain of salt for now…

With the X-T2, Fujifilm now has a very good allrounder camera, with very fast and accurate Aufotfocus (so confirms even the Sony manager, who created the A7 series) and great video quality. And X-shooters, who use the X-T2 a lot for video, might appreciate the addition of such lenses.

I don’t know, yet, if Fujifilm will make a clickless aperture version of existing lenses, or if they are going to launch complete new lenses.

And while such lenses might be highly appreciated by video shooters, I hope Fujifilm doesn’t forget that some out there are still waiting for the XF33mmF1.0, XF8-16mmF2.8, XF200mmF2 (or 2.8) and some other lenses with a nice clicky aperture ring ;).

Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

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UPDATE: New Firmware for Fujifilm X-T2 (ver.1.10) on Thursday… and New Firmware for Fuji X-T1

 photo KAIZEN_zps1fdb780f.png

The Fujifilm X-T2 will get a new Firmware (ver. 1.10) and it should be available for download on Thursday. Of course, keep in mind the (many) lessons we have learned from the past: last minute bugs can always happen and force Fujifilm to postpone everything.

UPDATE: As FR-readers pointed out in the comments, the Firmware will apparently make the Nissin i40 work again on the X-T2 without any need of a firmware update by Nissin. I can’t confirm this for now.

Fujifilm will also release a new Firmware for the X-T1. I’m not sure if it will come on the same day of the X-T2 Firmware and what it will about, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Fuji would give us one last nice Kaizen Firmware ;)

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have a great day,

Fujifilm X-A10 to be Announced in November :: 16 Megapixel, No Touch Screen… and Cheap!


Fujifilm X-A10

Ok, let’s be honest… how many of us thought that, when Fujifilm announced the X-A1, this new line of X-series cameras would become extremely successful? Personally I also wouldn’t have bet much on it!

But the X-A line is a winner for Fujifilm. And as I shared in the past, a source told me that in Thailand the X-A2 is the best-selling MILC in 2015, “outselling all the Canon interchangeable lens cameras (DSLR and those EOS-M lines) combined“.

So it just makes sense for Fujifilm to continue to offer new X-A cameras. The latest one is the Fujifilm X-A3, with Selfie Touch Screen and 24MP Bayer sensor.

But apparently Fujifilm wants to offer a camera that is even cheaper than the X-A3, so they are going to launch the Fujifilm X-A10. Here are some Fujifilm X-A10 details:

  • no touch screen
  • 16 Megapixel
  • cheaper than Fujifilm X-A3
  • announcement in November

And yep… this is the “never rumored before” X-series camera that will be announced in 2016.

Fujifilm X-A3: USA: BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUSEUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

enjoy your Sunday
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