Let There Be Light
It seems that the point has come, where you can’t ignore the Fujifilm X System anymore. Sure, we are still a niche, but a constantly growing one, so it starts to be interesting for third parties to create Fujifilm supported products.
In fact, I’ve just heard from a source, that Phottix, Elinchrom and Godox are all working on Fujifilm X series compatible flashes/triggers. At the moment I have no indication, when the support will be completed, though… but I guess it won’t take that long anymore. Why?
Well, as FR-reader told us in the comments to the big rumor overview, he wrote this comment at the Elinchrom facebook page: “Where’s the Fuji love elinchrom!!!??” Elinchrom liked the comment. And when X-shooter Neil asked if this means that Fujifilm Support is coming in near future, Elinchrom liked also that comment! Maybe it means nothing… or maybe… ;)
And, just a reminder, as rumored here, also Profoto should add Fujifilm support in 2017.
The source (whom I trust) asked me to take it with a grain of salt at this stage… and so I’ll do. As soon as I will be able to confirm it, I’ll let you know here on FujiRumors.
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