Fujifilm Patents 100mmF2… but for 1″ sensor camera ** POLL: Should Fuji Develop X-cameras With Sensor Smaller than APS-C?
Fujifilm patents a 100mmF2 lens. If I deciphered correctly the google translated version, it will be a lens for a 1″ sensor camera (via egami):
“Fujifilm patent application of “corresponding to 1.2 100Mm F2 is an optical system. 1.2” I will be 270mm by 35mm Leica conversion and use a little bit in a small 1 “sensor from.”
So what, is Fuji going to ditch the 2/3 sensor camera line and make the upgrade to 1″ sensors? I’ll try to get an answer on this. But, quite frankly, given how compact APS-C cameras can be ([shoplink 48584 ebay]see the Fujifilm X70[/shoplink], which is significantly smaller than the X30 and not really that much bigger than the XQ2), I’m not sure it really makes sense for Fujifilm to invest into cameras that feature a sensor that is smaller than APS-C.
But that’s just my own two cents. I’d be curious to see what you guys think about it, so here is a Poll