Fujifilm X-T2 with Dual SD-Card slot (both UHS-II compatible) + Clarifying the Heat-Thing with the new batteries!

july 7

6 months of X-T2 rumors… and in a few days it will be finally here! But ’till then, the rumor work is not over.

So here are 2 more details I’d like to share with you (and they come from 2 different sources).

  1. The Fujfiilm X-T2 will have dual SD-card slot (nothing new), but the source says both will be UHS-II compatible (on the X-Pro2 only 1 is UHS-II ready)
  2. I told you several times about the new batteries, which should solve the heat issue and allow 4K shooting. And that’s what they will do: they’ll manage heat better. Now, it’s rather technical discussion, but it might be possible that the batteries actually don’t really create less heat, they just manage/dissipate it better. The source also gave me a more technical explanation, but I think all we have to know is this: the new heat managment of the new batteries will prevent overheating and allow 4K shooting.

So, that’s it. I’m quite exhausted, but still alive, and excited… and ready to push you to July 7, when, finally, the X-T2 will be presented to the world!

stay tuned,
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July 7 :: Fujifilm Event also in Japan :: Fujifilm X-T2 Coming!

july 7

After the US VIP Event and the EU Press event, now we know that there will be a huge event also in Japan on July 7 (via digicame-info)

The Fujifilm X-T2 is coming ! :-)

Posted earlier today: Fujifilm Patents XF16-55mmF2.8… with OIS ! + Last Chance to grab Franzis Full Software Collection for just $98 (regular $644 – save 85%)

Google translated

It held a sneak preview of the new product in Japan in Fujifilm July 7?
From the direction of the reader, we have to provide information about the event for stakeholders of Fujifilm.
Fujifilm will hold a sneak preview (experience Board of X series) in Japan on July 7.

Previously, but Fujifilm is information that an event in North America and Europe were flowing on July 7, but as events in Japan (sneak preview) will be held.

Because we do not know details of the sneak preview, such that the “experience meeting of X series,” It is high likely possibility that appeared X-T2 of rumors to this

Fujifilm Patents XF16-55mmF2.8… with OIS !


XF16-55mmF2.8 OIS len

egami spotted the following patent: an XF16-55mmF2.8 OIS lens… yep, with OIS!

Fujifilm received quite a shitstorm because of the lack of OIS in the XF16-55mmF2.8. The official explanation why Fujifilm didn’t implement OIS in the 16-55 can be found here:

OIS needs to move the lens inside to compensate for camera shake and as a result can cause loss of resolution in the edges of the image. In long zoom lens such as the XF50-140mmF2.8, the angle of view is narrow enough to not show this negative effect of OIS in the edges. However, the angle of view of the XF16-55mm, when set to the widest setting, is large enough for OIS to affect resolution at the edge of the image. Considering this trade-off, because we wanted this zoom lens to start wide at 16mm and F2.8, and we wanted to best edge-to-edge quality throughout the entire zoom range, we decided to not employ OIS.”

XF 16-55mm (save $200): BHphoto / AmazonUS / FocusCamera / Adorama / Pictureline

PATENT : google translated

Fujifilm patent applications corresponds to the anti-vibration 16-55mm F2.8 but is an optical system, the was released is not an anti-vibration 16-55mm F2.8 It was. Since the anti-vibration corresponding to the lens is bloated, is that of to have to dare not designed with anti-vibration. Or if there the Kai, XF FUJINON 16-55Mm F2.8 It is R LM WR good lens of reputation.

But better to hesitation that it is not in the anti-vibration would be many. Because when you pursue the optical performance lens resulting in a bloated, Sony and Olympus , as, in the telephoto lens Dual IS, I standard system is perhaps good to within the body anti-shake.

Fujifilm 16-55mm F2.8 OIS patent of Optical technology and lens design] Fujifilm corresponds to the anti-vibration 16-55mm F2.8 of patent is being filed.

Description, self-interpretation of the patent literature

Patent Publication No. 2016-109719
Published 2016.6.20
Filing date 2014.12.2
Example 1
Focal length f = 16.492 31.059 53.436
Bf 22.000
FNo. 2.88 2.74 2.89
Angle of view 2ω 87.0 48.6 28.8
Positive and negative positive and negative positive 5-group zoom
Anti-vibration (part of the third group)
Inner focus (group 4)


FUJIFILM Medium Format Camera “Definitely More Affordable” than Hasselblad X1D – Trusted Source

 photo Fujifilm Medium Format_zpsjqqjrq0y.jpg

Fujifilm Medium Format

In these days, my gmail account (fujirumor@gmail.com) is exploding! I get many questions from X-shooters interested in the Hasselblad X1D, who want to know more about the rumored Fujifilm Medium Format.

Now, I’m working on it, and I’ve already shared some specs about the Fujifilm Medium Format. 50MP, to be launched along with 3 lenses maybe to be presented to the world at Photokina and available in 2017. For full Medium Format Coverage search for “Medium Format” on FujiRumors.

But there is something more I can share with all of you today, and it’s a partial answer to the most voted of our 7 crucial Medium Format Questions: How much will the Fujifilm Medium Format camera cost?

I had a talk with a trusted source, who told me that the Medium Format Mirrorless Fujifilm will be “definitely more affordable” than the Hasselblad X1D.

I don’t know the precise price for now (and I’m not sure if Fuji has set a definitive price at this stage), but the words “more affordable” just sound good to me :-) .

Make sure to follow FujiRumors also on Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter… because this is just the beginning :-)

New Fujifilm NP-W126 MK II Battery will Generate Less Heat (Trusted Source)

Fujifilm NP-W126

Fujifilm NP-W126 MK II

I’ve received the rumor (from trusted source) that the new Fujifilm NP-W126 batteries will handle heat better. Less heat generation allows us to shoot 4K and use the full power of the X-T2 (via “boost” function on the Vertical Grip).

I remind you that Fuji Guy Billy said here, the X-Pro2 can’t shoot 4K, because it can’t dissipate heat properly.

No word about higher capacity batteries.

End of the Rumor

As far as I know (but correct me if I’m wrong), the main sources of heat generation are:

  • Sensor
  • Processor
  • Batteries
  • Writing on SD-cards
  • Screen/EVF

Heat disspiation is a major problem with mirrorless cameras. Fujifilm could solve all problems, by making the X-T2 camera body significantly larger, but most of us love the compact size of the X-series mirroless cameras.

Also, if you want to maximize the power of the X-T2, you can’t really minimize the heat generated by the sensor, processor, EVF refresh rate or SD-card writing process. So the only thing left where Fujifilm could work on in order to solve the heat-issue are the batteries.

TESTED: Third Party Fuji Batteries? “Inflated capacity values. Some batteries almost Fraud!”… and the Winner is…?