++ BREAKING ++ Fujifilm X-T2 Vs. X-T1 SIZE COMPARISON :: Real Life Side by Side Image !


Fujifilm X-T2 Vs. X-T1 Size Comparison

Fujifilm X-T2 Vs. X-T1 Size Comparison

The trusted Japanese Source promised it yesterday, and here is the image of the Fujifilm X-T2 Vs. X-T1 Size Comparison.

You can see that, the Fujifilm X-T2 is slightly bigger than the Fujifilm X-T1.

Since the Fujifilm X-T2 is 4K capable (confirmed by Fuji Manager), a slightly larger body could facilitate heat dissipation. This is just one of the advantages of the Fujifilm X-T2. Read also “10 Reasons Why the Fujifilm X-T2 is (probably) better than the X-Pro2. For X-Pro2 Lovers, I wrote also the 10 Reasons Why the Fujifilm X-Pro2 might still be the Better Choice over the Fujifilm X-T2!

Fujfilm organized worldwide events on July 7, which is very likely the X-T2 announcement date (USA VIP event and EU Press Conference)

stay tuned
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BHphoto Special Father’s Day Sale :: Save additional 4% to the Already Great Fuji X Deals!!!

Fujifilm X-T2 slightly bigger than X-T1 :: Real Life Size Comparison COMING SOON (Trusted Japanese Source)

X-T2 Size

The X-T2 Size

I had a quick skype call with the trusted Japanese Source about the Fujifilm X-T2.

The source confirmed basically all the Fujifilm X-T2 rumors so far. I asked about the X-T2 size, and the source told me that the Fujifilm X-T2 is slighlty bigger than the Fujifilm X-T1. On my question, how much bigger it will be, the Japanese Source said it should be able to show it to all of us soon (it should be a matter of hours).

As soon as I will get the image(s), I’ll inform you on Facebook and Twitter. Then just give me the time to put a watermark on them and I’ll share the imange(s) with all of you here on FujiRumors.

stay tuned…
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MIRRORLESS MEDIUM FORMAT :: Hasselblad will make the Start… but FUJIFILM’s Counterattack is (Almost) Ready !

Fujifilm Medium Format Mirrorless Camera

SUPER X SAVINGS :: Pay only $499 for the XF14mm :: XF16mmF1.4 now $300 off … and MUCH more!

Fujifilm Medium Format Mirrorless Camera

A rumor is spreading on the web, brought to us first by mirrorlessrumors: Hasselblad is about to launch a Medium Format Mirrorless Camera! The rumors so far say it will have 50MP (just like the rumored Fujifilm Medium Format Mirrorless Camera).

It’s over a year now that I tell you about Fujifilm working on a Medium Format Camera, a familiar terrain for Fujfilm, since they already have a long Medium Format Camera and Lens production tradition (for film – like the the FUJIFILM GF670.) and they also make lenses for the [shoplink 46551 ebay]Hasselblad’s H system[/shoplink].

I tell you… Fujifilm will make use of all its experience to launch a new digital Medium Format Mirrorless line. But if you don’t trust me, then I remind you the words of Fuji Manager T. Ueno, when he said herewe are in a Very Good Position to make a Medium Format Camera

If it’s true that the mirrorless Boom is slowing down (as Tony Northrup said here), then it seems that camera manufacturers are right now looking for the next fronteer: Medium Format Mirrorless. Hasselblad makes the start. It’s sure that Fujifilm will follow soon. And it’s rumored by SAR that also Sony is seriously thinking to step into this new market.

Below a list of Fujifilm Medium Format Rumors shared over the last 13 months.

stay tuned… fun times are coming :-)
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Medium Format Fuji :: “50MP Sensor & Available 2017!” – New Source

Fujifilm Will Launch a Medium Format Camera (Top Trusted Japanese Source) :: New Source says it will be presented Photokina!

POLL: Medium Format Fuji :: Would you buy a MF Fuji… and How Much would Pay for it?

Fujifilm Medium Format Rumor: Here is the answer to one of the 7 Crucial MF Questions ! (Source Right in the Past).

Let’s Drop The RUMOR-BOMB: Fujifilm is forging a MEDIUM FORMAT CAMERA (Source Right in Past) – WITH POLL

Fuji Rep Invites Stores to Discount X-Pro2 since “superior X-T2” is coming + MESSAGE to Anonymous Source, Who Handled the X-T2

The “superior” Fujifilm X-T2 is Coming… Ready for X-Pro2 Sales?

Sometimes it’s a matter of being on the right place at the right moment. And this time a FR-reader was the the European Bestbuy equivalent, the tech super-store chain “Mediamarkt” just while a Fuji Rep was talking with the Seller about the X-T2.

Before I go ahead, I’ll just say that the source didn’t make up this story. You don’t have to know how I can be sure about this… just trust me that the source could proof the story is true ;)

So what did the Fuji Rep say? Well, he recommended to discount Fujifilm X-Pro2 cameras, because the Fujifilm X-T2 is coming and it will be “superior in many aspects“.

Message to a Source

I use this post to send a Message, to a reliable anonmyous Source with Nick-Name, who handled the X-T2.

Yes, I always have more questions about it. The biggest one now is: how much will the Fujifilm X-T2 cost and when will it be available?

But as you might understand, I can’t make all the question always in public via FujiRumors. Writing blog posts on FujiRumors in order to talk to each other is not really the best way, especially when it comes to delicate stuff like rumors I’m working on. I prefer these things have to happen behind the scenes before it goes online.

You could use your private email, twitter or facebook account (I’d obviously keep your identity 110% secret). Or maybe create a fake email account for this purpose.

Think about it… and in any case thanks a lot for sharing always reliable rumors. You help me a lot… and even if you decide just to use the rumor box, we will try to find a balance between the confidential rumor work behind the scenes and the public comunication. That said: a direct talk & information exchange behind the scenes would make things a lot easier for me, and I could share with you better what I’m working on.

Fuji X-Pro2 or X-T2? Which Camera is Better for Street, Wedding, Landscape (+ more) photography? – Multiple POLLS

Fuji Manager: “New FUJIFILM Lens Roadmap coming this Summer”… and shows Roadmap without 120mm!

Go To Minute minute 37:40

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New Fujifilm Lens Roadmap Coming

So, when will Fujifilm release a new lens roadmap? According to Fujifilm Manager Justin Stailey (and also to my sources) it will come this Summer (see video at the Top of this post from minute 37:40).

Here is just a Roadmap of what we have in the line up. […] we pretty much have the majority of the needs of most photographers covered with our current lens lineup. But we are not going to stop. We plan to expand the offer. There is definitely more stuff coming. At some point in Summertime we will probably update the roadmap.

The current Fujifilm lens roadmap is out of date. It shows lenses that, according to my sources, have been scratched and it also does not include other lenses that Fuji is designing right now.

At this point it’s interesting to note, that on the Roadmap the Manager presented to the people attending the BHphoto event, there is no 120mm…. a hint that we don’t have to expect that lens to come anymore? Maybe there is some truth in the 80mm rumor ;)

In the last months, I’ve updated the original Fujifilm Lens Roadmap every time a new rumor landet in my Inbox (last update here). But it started looking so chaotic, that a kind FR-reader made a new one for us (shared at the bottom of this post).

Except for the XF23mmF2 (which should be announced in September) I have NO indications and rumors about the release of the other rumored lenses.
