Fujifilm X-T1 will get One More (and Final?) Kaizen Firmware Update This Year!


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If there is one camera, that was massively covered by Fuji’s Kaizen Love, then it’s the Fujifilm X-T1. Let’s take a look at the major updates over the last years:

Well… it seems that Fujifilm is planing to release another FW update, that will bring a few new features. I don’t think Fuji will introduce such massive changes, that Rico has to rewrite his X-T1 book, but there should be some tweaks & new features we will all appreciate. So don’t expect gigantic changes, but it won’t be just a “bug fix/add compatibility” firmware :-)

I’ll work to find out the features… and in the meantime, tell us in the comments what you would like to have.

The bad news in all this? One source (thanks dude), said this will be the last “Kaizen Firmware” for the X-T1.

As always, when it comes to Firmware stuff, take it with a grain of salt.

MESSAGE TO THE SOURCE, who also said it will be the last Kazen FW: Thanks for sharing. If you want, contact me via email (create a fake email account if you want). We could talk and exchange some information about the other stuff ;).

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RUMOR :: Fuji X100T Successor still with 23mm lens! (SRP)


In the past I’ve shared an anonymous rumor, which said that the X100T successor will have a 18.5mm lens (28 equiv.). Well, I have to correct that now, since, according to a source right in the past, the X100T successor will still have a 23mm (35mm equiv.) lens.

And looking at the Poll results, that’s a good news for most out there.

Which equivalent focal length would you prefer?

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But does this mean it will be the same lens of the X100, X100S and X100T? I don’t think so. While the X100T successor will keep the classic 23mm focal length, a SRP told us here that Fuji is designing a new lens. And considering that the camera will very likely feature the new X-TransIII sensor (rumor here), it makes perfectly sense to me… new sensor – new lens.

That’s if for now… stay tuned for more rumors :-)

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10 Reasons Why the Fujifilm X-T2 is (probably) better than the X-Pro2 (Based on Rumors & Fuji Manager Statements)

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With this post I don’t want to say that the X-Pro2 is bad compared to the X-T2. In many crucial areas like Image Quality and Autofocus both cameras are identical! Moreover, some of the aspects I consider an advantage of the X-T2 (like the tilt screen) can be considered a negative aspect by other X-shooters. Other features (like 4K) might be considered irrelevant by some (or many) of you. I’ve just tried to make a list that could possibily hit the nerve of the majority of photographers.

Also, I hope to be able to give an answer to all those fellow X-shooters, asking me via email, if they should get the X-Pro2 or wait for the X-T2… I know, it’s a hot question :)

_ _ _

Thanks to our sources, we already know a lot about the Fujifilm X-T2. See images of the X-T2 body, vertical battery grip and dials.

The X-T2 is Fuji’s most important X-series camera… and I dare to say, that many out there consider it also the better camera over the X-Pro2.

  1. The Fujifilm X-T2 form factor will overall allow better heat dissipation compared to the X-Pro2, preventing excessive overheating, for example when shooting in CH or 4K (Read Fuji Manager statement here).
  2. The Fujifilm X-T2 will shoot 4K, while the X-Pro2 will never get it via Firmware (Fuji Manager Statment)
  3. The Fujifilm X-T2 has a “boost” function for more frames per second (leaked image here)
  4. The Fujifilm X-T2 has a much larger electronic viewfinder compared to the X-Pro2
  5. The Fujifilm X-T2 has a more pronounced grip compared to the X-Pro2, so for most people it will fit better in the hand
  6. The Fujifilm X-T2 has newly designed dials (thicker) and locking mechanism, that should improve usability (see leaked image). On the contrary, many people do not like the shutter/ISO combination on the X-Pro2.
  7. The Fujifilm X-T2 has a new and more flexible tilt screen, which most people prefer over the X-Pro2 fixed screen (see leaked image)
  8. The Fujifilm X-T2 has a dedicated drive dial with video mode on it. Simply turn the dial all the way to the left, adjust your settings if you want and start filming (no need to press the drive button like on the X-Pro2 and then scroll down to the video function). Sure, you can place the video mode on a function button, but I don’t think many X-shooters will sacrifice an FN button for the video mode.
  9. The Fujifilm X-T2 has a new Vertical Battery Grip that accepts 2 batteries (so you can use it with overall 3 batteries) (see leaked image)
  10. The Fujifilm X-T2 will very likely be cheaper than the X-Pro2, because it does not feature the very expensive HVF+ERF technology (that’s not a rumor, just my speculation for now). A lower price tag wouldn’t make the X-T2 the better camera over the X-Pro2, but probably make it more attractive on the market.

And I can’t exclude that, with more rumors coming, the list will get even longer. So don’t miss to follow FujiRumors on Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

I’m very interested and open to your critics and considerations. So, if somebody of you wants to jump in and make his/her own list, telling us why the X-Pro2 is better, or extend/correct my list, just drop it in the comments.

Finally, just a little Poll to have an initial feedback about what you guys think.

Judging from the information we have so far, which camera do you prefer?

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have a great day,

10 Reasons Why the Fujifilm X-Pro2 Surprised me… and Why the ACROS Film Simulation will (sadly) never go to X-T1 (& Co)

Fujinon XF80mm Macro Coming instead of XF120mm! – Trusted Source


A few of weeks ago I told you how Fuji scratched the 120mm (which is still in the official roadmap), and planed to release something under 100mm.

Well, today I have an update for you. A trusted source just told me, that it will be an XF80mm macro lens, very likely F2.8.


…. in times, where even official Fujifilm roadmaps (see 120mm) and press releases (see flash in May press release) contain “wrong” informations, you should take everything with a grain of salt, even if it comes from trusted source. Fujifilm just changes plans too many times!

Thanks a lot to FR-sources for keeping us updated.

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LEAKED :: Fujifilm X-T2 :: See HQ Images of the Dials + Unveiling the Secret of the 8th Drive Dial Function!


When we leaked the first Fujifilm X-T2 images back in mid April, some attentive FR readers noticed that the Drive Dial has an 8th function (compared to the 7 functions of the X-T1).

A source decided to unveil the mistery and send us detailed images of all the dials.

You can see that the Fujifilm X-T2 has no Video button anymore and that Fuji added it to the Drive dial.

Moreover, you can also cleary see the thicker dial and the button mechanism (see the youtube video).

Previous leaks: X-T2 Body / X-T2 vertical battery grip

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