New Meyer Optik Görlitz Lens for Fuji X coming on April 14!



SonyAlphaRumors got this image from a Meyer “internal source”. It’s from photographer Firat Bagdu and it has been shot with the upcoming new Meyer Optik Görlitz mid range prime lens. SAR says:

This will be Meyer’s most technologically advanced lens. It’s also near-macro glass. I have been told the specs are the same of one of their historic lenses.

The official announcement is set for April 14 at 11am London time… and it will be available also for Fuji X Mount.

Meyer Optik Görlitz already offers some X-mount lenses. I’ve checked the Complete Overview over all exisiting (and upcoming) Fuji X-mount lenses and saw the [shoplink 44451 ebay]Nocturnus  35mmF0.95[/shoplink], the Trimagon 95mmF2.6 and the Trioplan 100mmF2.8.

Regarding the Nocturnus lens FXF member yukosteel noted here,

[shoplink 44451 ebay]On this eBay lot[/shoplink] it looks a bit different then picture on FR from February 27, 2015. There is hood mount, and “0.95” on DOF scale. Other then that it still looks like Mitakon. While pictures on Meyer-Optik are still showing slightly different body design, though same size : )

Here some Meyer Optik Görlitz “legends”:

[shoplink 44445 ebay]Primoplan 25mm f/1.9[/shoplink] –
[shoplink 44446 ebay]Lydith 30mm f/3.5[/shoplink] –
[shoplink 44447 ebay]Primagon 35mm f/4.5[/shoplink] –
[shoplink 44448 ebay]Trioplan 50mm f/2.5[/shoplink] –
[shoplink 44449 ebay]Primoplan 58mm f/1.9[/shoplink] –
[shoplink 44450 ebay]Telefogar 90mm f/4.5[/shoplink]

Here is the Fujifilm X-T2 approx. Announcement Date! (SRP) + Some Specs shared in the Comments

X-T2 annoucement

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I know… many of you are impatiently waiting for X-T2 rumors.

I can understand and share your excitement. But if you take a look at the X-Pro2, you’ll already have a pretty accurate idea about the X-T2, starting from the most important aspect: Image Quality.

Sure, there are still some specs you’d like to have confirmed, like the joystick, the dual SD-card slot and, why not, maybe a touch screen. I hope that our sources will soon share the answer to these and other questions, and FR is working on this (and more) behind the scenes.

For now I can share two things with you:

1) An X-T2 specs list shared by FR-reader AceFibble in the comments of this post. About the Fuji X-T2 he says:

  • EVF refresh: it’s going to be the same or better, possibly with the Pro2 matching it after a firmware update. Bear in mind the T2’s will be larger.

  • Continuous burst: I’m told the preproduction T2s have a deeper buffer; I’d expect that to be updated on the Pro2, too.

  • AF: ditto

  • Touch screen: I’ve been told preproduction units don’t have one, and I’ve been told they do. This is the only aspect of the whole camera that my sources haven’t been consistent on. I’ve not noticed Patrick speak much about a touch screen, or anybody else, so I’m assuming there won’t be one.

  • Dual cards: obviously it will have two slots.

I’ll keep you posted on this…

2) The approximate announcement date:

A source, who was right in the past, said that the announcement is “currently” (!) set to end of June / beginning of July. The focus is on “currently”, because the better the X-Pro2 sells (and it sells really strong), the less Fujifilm feels the need to release the X-T2 quickly, since it would impact negatively on the current Fuji X-Pro2 sales.

Or maybe…

… maybe the X-T2 announcement right at the beginning of my summer holidays is Fujifilm’s personal revenge on me, since I will have to cancel my 10 days trip to Iceland (the winner of our “ultimate travel Poll“).

But my Vendetta will be merciless, dear Fuji… and it will come in form of rumors spread from my rented 58m² FR-headquarter! :-)

You can share rumors 100% anonymously using the rumor box (if you’d use a nickname, that would be great), or contact me via email (also fake email account). You can also drop me a personal message on Facebook or Twitter.

stay tuned, fellow X-shooters
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

The Golden Age of the Fujifilm X-T1 is Over… the Fuji X-T2 is Coming! :: Best Time to Save Big on X-T1 in USA/EU

Fujifilm currently focusing on development of compact WR lenses instead of XF33mmF1.0! Smart Move? Vote the POLL!

roadmap Rumor watermark2

Official Lens Roadmaps are something you should always take with a grain of salt. We have seem many times how Fuji can change specs of lenses as well as the expected release indicated on the roadmap anytime.

Moreover, as you have seen with the 2.0x Teleconverter, not every lens Fuji announces appeared previously in the roadmap (only in our rumored roadmap).

Roadmaps are never something definitive since Fuji changes its plans often… very often! But as far as I can, I’ll try to keep you updated with the latest plans.

XF33mmF1.0 Recap

One year ago, in April 2015, a New Source told us that Fujifilm is considering to produce a Super-Fast F1.0 lens around 30mm. At that time, the decision was not final, as a source told us in May 2015, who also confirmed it to be a 33mm lens. Finally, back in October 2015, another source told us that Fuji decided to go ahead and make it.

But in the past we have seen too many times Fujifilm scrapping plans on products that almost materialize, so take it with a grain of salt. In any case, I do not expect this lens to hit the market in 2016, read why here.

XF33mmF1.0 Vs. Compact WR lenses

Today I have an update for you.

I had a chat with a source (right in the past), who told me that Fuji is apparently not really in a hurry to make the XF33mmF1.0, because they consider it a priority to launch more compact and weather resistant versions of existing lenses (like the rumored soon to come XF23mmF2 – read more here). The very positive response of the X-shooter community to the XF35mmF2 might have helped Fuji to take this decision.

If true, would this be a good choice? What would you prefer Fuji to focus on first: more small compact Weather Resistant lenses (like the rumored XF23mmF2) or should the XF33mmF1.0 be the priority? Drop your vote in the Poll below… I’m sure Fujifilm Tokyo will be very interested in the results.

More details about Fuji’s latest rumored roadmap here.

stay tuned for more,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

Fujifilm's priority should be...

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The Golden Age of the Fujifilm X-T1 is Over… the Fuji X-T2 is Coming! :: Best Time to Save Big on X-T1 in USA/EU

[APRIL FOOLS] BREAKING NEWS :: Fujifilm X-T2, Fujifilm X-T2 PRO and Fujifilm X-MF1 officially registered in China!


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Sorry guys, but for the first & only time in my life, I made up a rumor… April Fools Day :-)

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[UPDATE] Specs of X-T2 Pro Leaked at PCHstore (French / google translated):

Sony sensor 42,5MP with in body stabilisation
3 new lenses at launch : 24-70f/2.8; 50mm f/1.4 and 85mm f/1.4
New EVF 4MP with a secret new technology
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Original Post

Three X-series cameras have been registered at the Chinese radio wave authentication institution (where all WiFi capable devices have to be registered).

  • X-MF1
  • X-T2
  • X-T2 Pro

The fact that these cameras have now been registered, means that the announcement (not release) could be imminitent (spring/early summer)

One big surprise is the X-T2 Pro. It could indicate that Fuji will release 2 different X-T2 bodies. Maybe the X-T2 Pro could be slightly larger and fit a bigger/better battery. Also the heat dissipation would be easier on a larger body, eliminating overheating issues while shooting 4K video.

Do you think it’s a smart move to offer two different bodies?

The other huge surprised is the X-MF1, which really sounds like the Medium Format camera. I wasn’t expecting it to come so fast. But competitors are not sleeping and Fujifilm might have decided to step on the gas.

NOTE: The original EXCEL file has been removed, but the FR-reader, who passed me the link (thanks) saved it and send it to me. For now I’ll share a screenshot. I’ll share the full File on my dropbox next.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

[UPDATE: March 24 FW release] Fuji X-Pro2 Firmware coming before Easter (so before March 27, if there are no last second delays)


UPDATE: A source reacted to this rumor and dropped anonymously the date of the Firmware release via rumor box: it says March 24 (FW1.1 XP2)! Never forget the grain of salt when it comes to FW-rumors!

Message to this source: the FW will fix the reset issue. Do you know of any other bugs that will be fixed? Feel free to use the rumor box again… and maybe give yourself a nick-name

Original Post

The Fuji X-Pro2 Firmware fix is coming, very soon, as a trusted source told us here. As you might remember, Fuji New Jersey said to a FR-reader, that they planed to release it end of last week… but apparently the Firmware wasn’t yet ready.

However, according to a source, who was right in the past, this could be the week of its announcement. Sure, as we have seen in the past, FW-release dates can change quickly. But the source was very confident that it would be released “before Easter” (so before March 27).

stay tuned and follow FR also on Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter for instant notification as soon as the Firmware is online,