I’ve started to write this blog post over and over again. But I don’t know, how to put together and exciting news like the first leaked images taken with an X-Pro2 along with the a terrible massacre of Paris.
I feel shocked, as all of you out there. When horribly things like these happen, I’m used to close myself in silence and think to the victims, their families and their friends. For me, it’s difficult to talk about it with people close to me…. imagine how hard it is to write something on Fujirumors.
But I also know that many of you guys out there are PRO photographers. And I know that your aim is to photograph life as it is, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the dreadful. Some of you might even risk their own life to get close to the truth and capture it with their camera.
Sometimes a photographer just has to be right there, where history is happening. And in these days, history is writing one of its terrible chapters in Paris. And it’s my job to tell you that there is somebody with a Fujifilm X-Pro2 documenting it.
The 2 images have been shared in public here at magnumphotos. The EXIF data can be seen here. It really seems to be an X-Pro2 with 18mm lens. These images are part of a magnumphoto section, dedicated to the terrorists attacks in France. You can see all the pictures here.
if you have an account at magnumphotos, you can pruchase & donwload the high-res samples. And that’s what a FR reader did. The FR reader says (thanks):
- The mangum images of paris are 6000×4000. If they really are from a xpro-2, that would make 24MP certain. The time in the exif is 21:23:45 however. That is clearly wrong, as at that time in november it’s pitch black in Paris [21:23 in Toyko is 13:23 in Paris].
I won’t comment the images. All I can say today is, be strong, my French friends.
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thanks to the anonymous FR-reader, who passed me the links to the images and the EXIF data