LEAKED: See IMAGES of the Fujifilm X-Pro2 New Menu, NR with more range, 273 AF points & more (Trusted Japanese Source)

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Grain Effect? Improved Noise Reduction? And what about the 273 AF points? Where are the Phase Detection Pixels? How does the new Menu Interface look like?.. Still many questions.

That’s why the Trusted Japanese source decided to show to FR-readers the X-Pro2 Menu.

On January 15 (14th in USA), feel free to support this blog by pruchasing the X-Pro2 using one of the FujiRumors links to stores. No extra costs for you, but a small commission is valued back to FujiRumors, and helps me to keep this blog open.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

Main Menu Page

Menu Total

Push the READ MORE button to see MUCH MORE images

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More Leaks Coming Soon: Fujifilm X-Pro2 Images of the Menu – downloading right now :)!

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After leaking some X-Pro2 specs 2 days ago, I immediatly contacted our Top Trusted Japanese source and asked about the 273 AF points, the Noise Reduction improvement, the new “Grain Effect” and a lot more.

Well, the Japanese source thought that the best way to answer all these question would be to share plenty of images of the Fujifilm X-Pro2 Menu.

So here I’m now, downloading them at wetransfer. I’ll share them all as soon as I can.

Subscribe the X-Pro2 Fuji X Forum thread for instant rumor email notification and/or join FR also on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter for notification via social media.

LIVE BLOGGING on FUJIRUMORS on January 14 at 11:30PM NY-time / January 15 at 05:30AM Berlin Time

stay tuned,

Fujifilm X-Pro2 coming Jan. 14 at 11:30 PM New York Time (Jan.15 at 05:30AM Berlin Time) – Official Fuji Countdown


Fujifilm just launched a countdown on their X-Pro1 page. They do not mention that it is for the X-Pro2 announcement, but you can’t find this countdown on any other product page.

According to the countdown, the Fuji X-Pro2 will be announced on January 14 at 11:30 PM New York Time .  It will be January 15 05:30 AM Berlin Time.

and if you thought the X-Pro2 leaks are over, then you’re wrong… the trusted Japanese source promised a tidbit for us ;) . Don’t miss it and follow FR on Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

– As usual, there will be a Live Blogging Session here on Fujirumors on the X-Pro2 announcement –

via Fujifilm

Fujifilm X-Pro2 :: Here is the Estimated Price Tag!

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Much has been leaked about the Fujfilm X-Pro2 so far (it’s probably the most leaked camera ever!).

However, I know you are all waiting to know the price of the X-Pro2.

Now here is the thing: Fujfilm waited unusually long, before setting the final price.

But since you guys fill my Facebook, Twitter and email account with questions regarding the X-Pro2 price, I’ll share with you the last thing I’ve heard, even though it’s not a 100% precise price tag.

Europe: the price should be around  €1,699-1,799. Please note that the price in Europe can have some variations according to the different coutries.

USA: It should cost between $1,799-1,899. However, fellow X-shooter T-Man pre-ordered an X-Pro2 at his local store and said that his receipt shows only $1,699. For more details you better ask T-man directly here.

On January 15, feel free to support my daily rumor work here on FujiRumors, by getting your X-Pro2 using one of the links to store I’ll share here on FR. Absolutely no extra costs for you, but a small comission is valued back to this blog. It will help me to cover the costs of this blog and to keep it running also in 2016… if you enjoy to read FR now and then, this could be the opportunity to support my work for free ;) .

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

NOTE: Since once again the critics came via social media, here is the thing: I just had a surgery, the infection caused fever and I’m taking antiobiotics. I run FujiRumors alone (except the XPC of course) and I apologize if my English (my 4th language) is now even more crap than usual. If I don’t write (even after a surgery) nobody else writes on FR. However, you’ll get all the rumors I can leak, non-stop, fever or not, but in my humble English. Accept that, or just stop reading FR.

P.S.: I promise to take English lessons… as soon as I close FR and have more time ;) )

Fujifilm X70: coming January 15 with external viewfinder option and 18.5mm F2.8 lens!

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In addition to the touch & flip screen, you’ll also be able to attach an external viewfinder to the Fujifilm X70

As rumored earlier, it will have a 18.5mmF2.8 lens (28mm equiv.)

Announcement January 15 (along with the Fuji X-Pro2, X-E2s, XF100-400 and probably also the X-E2 FW)

Reminder: 16MP APS-C X-Trans II sensor

All X70 rumors can be read here.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter