X-E2s registered in Taiwan!

While waiting for the X-Pro2 present right from our trusted Japanese source, I have to inform you that the X-E2s has been registered at the Taiwanese National Communications Commission (the X70 and X-Pro2, too).

Once again, it seems that FR-sources were spot on.

And now let’s wait for the X-Pro2 gift by our trusted Japanese source :-)

via digicame-info

X-Pro2 X-mas present by the Trusted Japanese Source: “Time to get a clear idea about how the X-Pro2 will look like”

Trusted Japanese Postcard

The Trusted Japanese just wrote me and said that it’s high time for us to get a very clear idea about how the X-Pro2 looks like. :-)

The source said it will start working on it now and share it very soon with all of us.

Fellow X-shooters, whatever is coming, I can’t wait to “unpack” this rumor-gift :-)

You don’t have to stay here on FR and click refresh every 2 seconds in order to be ready as soon as I receive the present (and share it). The fastest way to get a notification as soon as the “Japanese X-mas present” is online, is to subscribe the X-Pro2 thread. You’ll get instantly an email notification!

You’ll get live notifications also if you join us on Facebook and Twitter and/or subscribe the RSS-feed.

stay tuned,

Fuji X70 registered in China!


The X70 is a perfect example about how Fujifilm can plan a new product (and FR sources tell you about), then drop plans (and FR sources tell you about), and then, a few years later, change opinion again and work on the same product again and this time really lauch it (and FR sources tell you about). Makes 2 wrong rumors anyway ;)

I’ve shared the first rumor about the X70 back in September 2013, saying it would be smaller EVF-less X100S.

Well, we are almost in 2016, and the camera might finally come. As spotted by digicame-info, it has been registered at the Chinese radio wave authentication institution. You can download the EXCEL file here.

stay tuned,
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4.20 kaizen

Good News (hopefully ;) ) – BUG FIXED! Fuji X-T1 Firmware might be ready for X-mas (and probably the 17th)

 photo KAIZEN_zps1fdb780f.png

On December 11 Fujifilm USA published the official announcement of the X-T1 FW4.20, sharing all the details of the update and saying it will be available for download on December 17.

But then something strange happened: Fujifilm USA had to remove it!


Because, according to my sources, the firmware was not planed for December 17 but later.

However, the article here on Fujirumors made thousands of X-T1 shooters cheer for joy for the nice Kaizen X-T1 Firmware X-mas present…. and this suddenly made a lot of pressure on Fujifilm, so they stepped on the gas pedal and worked hard to get it ready for the originally planed date: December 17.

And hear hear!!! I just got the following message from the same source, who is keeping me up to date with the latest evolution regarding the X-T1 Firmware. I quote:

the thing [new X-T1 FW] that was supposed to happen in a few days and then not, might still happen – fixed ;)”

I know, to dissipate any doubt on this little rumor-drama, it would be great if Fujfilm would tell us why they removed the official FW announcement, but I doubt they will ever officially confirm what I wrote in this post (for some reason they don’t like me ;) ).

On the other hand, you might understand that I have to protect my sources 110%, so I will never ever share more about this story than I do now. You can trust me or not, up to you… and in case you are undecided, this post might help you to take your decision.

Sometimes that’s the way it is: I have to pay for the confusion/changes/mess inside Fujifilm. But I’ve fastened my seatbelt and put on my helmet…

Is this the final thing?

While there are now again hopes to get the new X-T1 FW on Dec.17, you should always keep in mind, that Fuji can change release date of Firmware even in the last hours. Fujifilm absolutely wants to avoid the problem that occurred with X-Pro1 FW 3.00, which had to be taken off shortly after its release, because it was faulty. That’s why Firmware rumors are the trickiest to work on… there is nothing that can change so quickly like Firmware release dates.

It was a little bit of a drama, but at the end of story, we might get our X-mas present right in time :-).