Fujifilm X70: Coming with 16MP X-TransII sensor for less than $1000 and with a New Lens!

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I’ve 2 updates regarding the Fuji X70

1) A source, who was right in the past, says that the X70 it will feature the X-TransII 16MP sensor. It will cost less than $1000 and be very compact.

2) A trusted source (who contacts me via rumor box using a nick-name) says it will feature a 28mm lens (which I suppose to be equivalent, this would mean about 18 or 19mm lens on APS-C).

As already rumored earlier, it will be EVF-less

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

On January 15th Fuji will launch the X-Pro2… without 4K video – Trusted Japanese Source

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4K or no 4K? That is the question!

As you might remember, Fujifilm itself (via Sales Manager Makoto Oishi) said back in March here, that current X-TransII cameras cannot deliver 4K video, because “the sensor itself should have much faster reading speed”, but that 4K is definitely something they are working on for future models with new sensor and faster reading speed.

And Fuji indeed worked and is working on it. But, unlike rumored earlier, the 4K technology is apparently not yet ready for the X-Pro2.

In fact, the Top Trusted Japanese source told me that the X-Pro2 will not feature 4K video at its launch, on January 15.

Ok, after reading this rumor I feel…. say it in the comments.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter


XF Lenses

XF90mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / [shoplink 40099 ebay]eBay[/shoplink]
XF10-24mm (save $150):
AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF14mm (save $150)
: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF27mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF35mmF1.4 (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF60mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

XF16mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / [shoplink 40100 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] XF18mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF23mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF56mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF16-55mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / [shoplink 40101 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] XF50-140mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama /
XF18-55mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF18-135mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF55-200mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

XF 56mm APD (save $400): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

X series Cameras

X-Pro1 + 23mm + 27mm (save $900): Adorama / BHphoto/ AmazonUS /

X-T1 (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
X-T1 GS (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
X-T1 + 18-55 (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T1 + 18-135 (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline

X100T (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

X-T10 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T10 + 18-55 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T10 + 16-50 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T10 + 18-55 + 55-200 (save $400): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
X-T10 + 16-50 + 50-230 (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama

X-E2 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /
X-E2 + 18-55 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline

X30 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline /

X-A2 body or kit (save $50): AmazonUS

Fujifilm X-Pro2 Rumored Specs

– APS-C sensor (TS + AS + AS)
– 1/8000 of a second mechanical shutter speed (TS + AS)
– Joystick for quick AF-point slection (TS)
– Exposure Compensation Dial with “C” function for exp.comp from +5 to -5) – (TS)
– Combined ISO/Shutter dial, with little window on shutter dial to show ISO value (TS + SRP)
coming late 2015 (TS + AS)
– delayed to 2016 (TS)
– Coming after CES (TS)
– Announcement on 15th Janaury 2016 (TS)
– weather sealed (TS)
4K video (TS + NeS)
– No 4K for the X-Pro2 in Jan. 15 (TS)
– Faster Processor EXR III (TS)
– No Tilt Screen (TS + AS)

– Sync Speed faster than 1/180th (SRP)
– coming in January 2016 (SRP)

– ISO200-12800 (AS)
– 1/250 flash sync speed (AS)
– more than 200 AF points (2/3 are PDAF) – (AS)
– Hybrid EVF as X100T (AS)
– 24MP sensor (AS + AS) – More than 16MP (AS)
– about the same size of current X-PRO1 (NeS)
– dual SD card slot (NeS + AS + AS)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)
– Two X-PRO2 version, one 24MP APS-C and one 25-27 MP APS-X, compatible with XF/XC lenses (NeS + OS)

coming September / October (OS + OS)
– Non organic APS-C X-Trans sensor (OS)
– smaller than X-PRO1 (OS)

Fujifilm X-Pro2: Joystick + Exposure Compensation Dial with “C” function – Trusted Source

After the leak by a source, who was right in the past, that the Fujifilm X-Pro2 would have a Pentax Spotmatic alike combined ISO/Shutter dial, I immediately contacted some trusted sources to get it confirmed (or not).

aaand…. the first feedback just landed in my Inbox :-)

A Trusted source confirms the elegant Pentax Spotmatic ISO/Shutter dial solution but also said that there will be more nice changes to what belongs the Fujifilm X-Pro2 ergonomics.

According to this source, the Fujfilm X-Pro2 will also have a Joystick for quick AF point selection, like you can find it on many DSLR’s as the Canon 5D MK III.

And more: there will be an nice change also on the Exposure Compensation Dial. While the dial will still go from -3 up to +3, Fuji added the letter “C” on it, which will allow you to adjust the exposure from -5 to +5.

I start to fall in love… and you?

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

Pentax Spotmatic alike combined ISO/Shutter dial

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Fujifilm X-Pro2 Rumored Specs

– APS-C sensor (TS + AS + AS)
– 1/8000 of a second mechanical shutter speed (TS + AS)
– Joystick for quick AF-point slection (TS)
– Exposure Compensation Dial with “C” function for exp.comp from +5 to -5) – (TS)
– Combined ISO/Shutter dial, with little window on shutter dial to show ISO value (TS + SRP)
coming late 2015 (TS + AS)
– delayed to 2016 (TS)
– Coming after CES (TS)
– Announcement on 15th Janaury 2016 (TS)
– weather sealed (TS)
– 4K video (TS + NeS)
– Faster Processor EXR III (TS)
– No Tilt Screen (TS + AS)

– Sync Speed faster than 1/180th (SRP)
– coming in January 2016 (SRP)

– ISO200-12800 (AS)
– 1/250 flash sync speed (AS)
– more than 200 AF points (2/3 are PDAF) – (AS)
– Hybrid EVF as X100T (AS)
– 24MP sensor (AS + AS) – More than 16MP (AS)
– about the same size of current X-PRO1 (NeS)
– dual SD card slot (NeS + AS + AS)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)
– Two X-PRO2 version, one 24MP APS-C and one 25-27 MP APS-X, compatible with XF/XC lenses (NeS + OS)

coming September / October (OS + OS)
– Non organic APS-C X-Trans sensor (OS)
– smaller than X-PRO1 (OS)

Message to an Anonymous Source with Nick Name, who recently shared some good stuff :)

I’ve been contacted by an anonymous source with nick name, who shared correct information in the past. And since I don’t know how to contact it, I have to do it via FujiRumors blog. I hope you don’t mind.

To the source:

Yes, I always have questions about it… and at the moment especially one (1) question. But as you might understand, I can’t make this question in public via FujiRumors. I’d really appreciate if you could contact me via email instead of rumor box, so we can discuss it.

If you want to talk more with me, then I think that writing blog posts on FujiRumors in order to talk to each other is not really the best way. And moreover, when it comes to delicate stuff like rumors I’m working on, these things have to happen behind the scenes.

You could use your private email (which, of course, I would keep 100% confidential). Or some sources created a fake email account for this purpose. But also Direct Messages on Twitter and Facebook could be a way to talk to me… or even Skype if you prefer.

If you decide to use the rumor box, that’s perfectly fine and I’m very greatful, but I won’t be able to ask questions or talk to you. Just drop me the information you have, with a note what I can share or not.

Up to you.

In any case, thanks for sharing, and I hope you understand that it could be more efficient for us, if we find a way to talk directly… I feel the FujiRumors blog is not the proper way to talk to each other.