According to what the top trusted Japanese source told me, the Fujifilm X-Pro2 will NOT feature a tilt screen.
From the comments shared on FujiRumors in the past, I know that some will applaud this decision, others won’t. I remember this older Poll, launched when the X-T1 still had to be announced, where 32% of the FujiRumors readers wanted an X-T1 without tilt-screen.
So here are two polls:
- The first is about how important the tilt screen in the X-Pro2 is for you.
- The second one is an updated flagship battle Poll X-T2 Vs. X-Pro2, considering this new rumor. Sensor, AF-performance and Firmware overall would remain the same between X-Pro2 and X-T2. Main differences: the X-T2 won’t have an OVF, be cheaper, have a better grip etc, while the X-Pro2 will have the hybrid viewfinder, no tilt screen, rangefinder design etc.

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– APS-C sensor (TS + AS + AS)
– 1/8000 of a second mechanical shutter speed (TS)
– coming late 2015 (TS + AS)
– delayed to 2016 (TS)
– Coming after CES (TS)
– Announcement on 15th Janaury 2016 (TS)
– weather sealed (TS)
– 4K video (TS + NeS)
– Faster Processor EXR III (TS)
– No Tilt Screen (TS)
– Sync Speed faster than 1/180th (SRP)
– coming in January 2016 (SRP)
– 24MP sensor (AS) – More than 16MP (AS)
– about the same size of current X-PRO1 (NeS)
– dual SD card slot (NeS + AS)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)
– Two X-PRO2 version, one 24MP APS-C and one 25-27 MP APS-X, compatible with XF/XC lenses (NeS + OS)
– coming September / October (OS + OS)
– Non organic APS-C X-Trans sensor (OS)
– smaller than X-PRO1 (OS)