Kaizen Again? Fuji X-T1 will get another Firmware update this year! (AS) – Which New Features would you like to get?

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According to an anonymous source (thanks!) the Fujifilm X-T1 Kaizen love is not over. In fact, Fujifilm plans to release another Firmware update this year (probably called “Firmware 5”).

Which new features will it bring? This is still unknown, but I hope some kind source can help me out with this soon. In the meantime, you can start dreaming in the comments and in this FXF thread.

To this source: Thanks a lot…. and about the other tidbit you shared, I need a bit of time to check it. If you want, you can contact me via email (fujirumor [at ] gmail [dot] com) to discuss about it (you can create a fake email account, if you want). But even if you use your personal email, I can guarantee you’ll remain 100% anonymous.

If you like the rumor, then feel free to share it on your website (and put a link back to FR)… and if you think it’s just the usual BS (as every rumor I share), just ignore it. Nobody forces you to continuously copy&paste and discuss my BS rumors on your websites (mostly without any link back to FR).

Ok, now I hope I can confirm the rumor ASAP… and any help is appreciated, thanks.
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The Fujifilm X-E2 will get the NEW AF-SYSTEM by the end of this year! (New Source)

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Recently Fujifilm confirmed that the Fujifilm X-E2 will get a new Firmware. They didn’t say anything about which features it will bring, though.

Well, according to a FR-reader, who participated at an X-T10 press-event with Fuji Malaysia in June and shared a comment here, the new firmware will give to the Fuji X-E2 the same AF-system already available in the Fuji X-T1 and Fuji X-T10.

The FR-reader also anticipated what has been recently unveiled by Fujifilm itself: the firmware is scheduled to come by the end of this year.

stay tuned,
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RUMOR: Lightroom Plug-in for Mac tethered shooting available in August (New Source) – HS-V5 FW Update (ver. 1.1a)

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Tethering for Mac

I really hope this rumor, coming from a new source, is right: the long awaited Adobe tethered shooting plug-in will be available for download in August at the Adobe Exchange site.

In the meantime, FXF member SteveMcN was apparantly able to get the plug-in directly from Fujifilm via WeTransfer. He said he will check the plug-in and report back in this FXF Thread. If you don’t want to miss SteveMcN’s report, join the Fuji X Forum, click on this thread and select “Follow This Thread” to get an email notification, as soon as he has shared his findings.

Tethering for Windows

Windows users can purchase the HS-V5 software for tethered shooting in Europe at AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonITA, AmazonFRA and AmazonESP… still not available in USA.

NOTE: Fujifilm already released a firmware update for the HS-V5 (ver. 1.1a). You can download it at Fuji’s site here.

Fujifilm really messed it up with the tethered shooting. Feel free to share your frustration here.

FUJIFILM CONFIRMS: New Firmware for Fuji X-E2 at the end of this year!

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So it seems that another rumor (shared almost two months ago here) is right: the New Firmware for Fujifilm X-E2 will be released at the end of this year…. and this time it’s not just a rumor, but it’s Fujifilm itself that confirms to Steven via email (he then shared it on Twitter here).

They did not say which features will come with the new firmware.

It was already known that Fujifilm will launch a new firmware (thanks to Fuji France here). However, this time Fujifilm confirms also the rumored release of late 2015.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, Google+, RSS-feed and Twitter

Fujifilm will launch the first X series camera with 1” sensor in about 3 months (Anonymous Source)

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According to an anonymous source, Fuji will announce a X series camera with an 1” sensor in the next few months (around September / October). It could have a fixed zoom lens with a range similar to the one of the Fujifilm X-S1, which has a 24-624mm zoom lens.

Sounds a lot like the Fujifilm X-S2, but this is not part of the rumor.

Anyway, will we soon have the first X-series camera featuring a 1” sensor?

To be clear, the grain of salt is mandatory with every rumor I share (especially anonymous rumors). Don’t take everything as a fact, just because my rumor hit rate is of almost 90% in 2015 – btw, many of them shared by anonymous sources.

I hope I will be able to confirm it via trusted source as soon as possible, and that I can say once again: “Hey, I told you” ;) .

stay tuned,
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