LEAKED: First Image of Fujifilm GFX100S II Shows One Obvious Difference over GFX100S

Trusted sources have passed us the first image of the Fujifilm GFX100S II which you can see below (THANKS A LOT).

I know what you think.

You think: “this looks exactly like the Fujifilm GFX100S“.

But look closer, and you’ll spot an actually quite noticeable difference.

Found it?

The whole GFX100S II camera body is now wrapped in the same Bishamon texture we find on the higher end Fujifilm GFX100 II.

That’s a good news. I loved that texture when I went hands-on with the Fujifilm GFX100II.

As for the rest, the Fujifilm GFX100S II looks pretty much identical to the Fujifilm GFX100S.

Fujinon GF500mm f/5.6 Announcement on May 16 and Priced €3,899

The Fujifilm X Summit on May 16 is getting bigger and bigger.

Not only will we get the Fujifilm X-T50, the Fujinon XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 and the Fujifilm GFX100S II, but according to our sources also the Fujinon GF500mm f/5.6 will be announced on May 16.

And we also have the price for you.

The Fujinon GF500mm f/5.6 will cost €3,899 in Europe. So far I have no indication about the price in US Dollar.


Well, that’s actually a bargain compared to what other brands charge for equivalent lenses.

Fujinon GF500mmF5.6 Size

What’s the Best Pick: Fujifilm GFX100SII ($5,000) or GFX100II ($7,500) or GFX100S ($4,400)?

So we just leaked the price of the upcoming Fujifilm GFX100SII.

Now the question to answer is: what’s the best pick at this point?

  • Fujifilm GFX100SII – $5,000
    Fujifilm GFX100II – $7,500
    Fujifilm GFX100S – $4,400

This is a tough one to answer.

I mean, I am a very happy owner of the Fujifilm GFX100S myself, and my heart would say the GFX100S is never a bad pick, especially not at this price.

But Fujifilm really smashed the price on that model with the GFX100SII, bringing it dangerously close to the one its now heavily discounted predecessor.

It’s probably best to go for the GFX100SII at this point over the GFX100S.

Things change of course if we throw the Fujifilm GFX100II in the mix. Of course that one costs more, but it is also the flagship and it will beat the new GFX100SII in terms of specs and features.

Personally, if budget was not of concern, I’d go for the Fujifilm GFX100II right away.

But since budget is something most of us take into consideration, if I had no GFX camera and wanted to jump into digital medium format, I’d very likely wait go for the Fujifilm GFX100SII.


It’s part of Fuji’s 5th generation family, hence we can expect it to get more firmware love over the years. And it will have Reala Ace, better autofocus and many other good stuff that comes with the 5th generation platform.

Things would drastically change though if Fujifilm were to offer the GFX100S at $3,000. At this point it would be a deal too good to be true, and quite frankly a price where also plenty of full frame camera makers would start to worry.

I mean, 100 megapixel medium format in a camera body that is even slightly smaller than some full frame mirrorless cameras out there such as this one, would become a serious temptation for many out there. And it would also be my pick as a first GFX camera.

But as it stands now, I recommend to buy the Fujifilm GFX100SII or, if budget allows for it, go straight for the GFX100II.

Anyway… let us know in the survey below what your top pick would be.

As a First GFX camera, I'd Buy...

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Fujifilm GFX100SII Price Leaked !

Today we can share with you the price of the upcoming Fujifilm GFX100SII.

Obviously the price will be lower than the one of the flagship Fujifilm GFX100II.

But the question is how much lower.

And today we can tell you that in US Dollar as well as in Euro.

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm GFX100S II will cost $5,000. In Europe it will cost €5,500 .

Diglloyd has reported about our rumor and shared some thoughts here.

Fujifilm X-T50 and XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 to be Announced on May 16

Not only the Fujifilm GFX100SII.

In fact, according to our trusted sources, Fujifilm will announce also the Fujifilm X-T50 and the new kit lens, the XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8, at the X Summit on May 16.