[UDPATE: You’re thinking to switch to the X? Then save up to $1,400 on the XF lenses and X-E2 (or X-E1, X-PRO1,X-M1). See this crazy deal here.]
Now, where is the 10-24? Back in October, at the photoplus in New York, Kayce Baker from FujifilmUSA said that the 10-24 would come “very very soon“, and the 56mm in the new year… check out this video (0.51). And also according to Fujifilm’s website, the lens should be available in winter 2013. Last but not least, a new source told me that it should have been announced a couple of days ago (you may have noticed that I never was able to give confirmation from trusted sources about the release date). Anyway, a lot of signals for an imminent announcement.
But nothing happened yet… and now things are getting even more complicated:
– 5 days ago an Austrian FR-reader told me that he had the opportunity to talk with a Fuji employee. According to the rep, the 10-24mm will be released at the end of the first quarter of 2014!
I took this information obviously with a grain of salt, as Kayce Baker from Fuji USA and also Fujifilm’s website claimed it will be released this year. But then another X-shooter, from Sweden, shared on Dpr the following information:
– a Fuji-rep told him that the XF10-24 would not come until February 2014!
Confused? Well, lemme see if I can dig up the truth for you. As for now I still trust Kayce Baker and the official information at Fuji’s website: release winter 2013 (as shown also on the roadmap)! But I’ll keep an eye on the website and see if there will be some changes… maybe, for whatever reasons, Fuji decided to postpone the launch.
As always, if there is somebody out there who has some useful information to share, feel free to contact Fujirumors at fujirumor@gmail.com or also completely anonymously via rumor box.
enjoy your Sunday… and spread the word via facebook, google+ and twitter
image courtesy: alybaba (Dpreview)