Ok. I already told you of the imminent replacement of the X-100, as written in an article at f11.
According to rumors from trusted sources I recently got, I can confirm that there will be an X100 replacement with X-Trans sensor.
The X100 replacement will not have the name X200. And everything will be better! Better AF, better hybrid viewfinder, better operating speed… and the same sensor of the X-PRO1! It took me some time to check it, but now I can say that the lens will remain the 23mm f/2.
That’s all for now! I don’t know the name of this camera, but maybe you could make some guess in the comments.
ONE MORE THING: As you can see from the invitation-image (source petapixel) there will be an announcement at January 7. Fujirumors will follow this event step by step. So stay tuned, I’ll continuously update my site to keep you up to date.
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