Fuji announcement on September 5th?

Peter from Photorumors reports that Fuji will announce the new X-E1 and XF1 (or XP1) camera on September 5th (yes it is next week). And there is one more news. The next XF 18-55mm lens will be the first with new linear AF motor. It will help to speed up the autofocus to 0.1 seconds.

Pretty amazing if true!


Fuji X PRO 2 scheduled for an early 2013 release? Fuji X PRO 1 firmware coming!

According to a trusted source the X-E1 will be the “only” interchangeable mirrorless camera announced by Fuji this year. An X PRo 1 successor is scheduled for a 2013 release.

This may a good news for X PRO 1 owners. Let’s hope Fuji is focusing on a new firmware update to fix some of the small (or big) issues of the camera we already own :)


UDPATE: Photorumors just spotted a Facebook post written by Tony Bridge saying that a new X PRO 1 firmware update is coming on September 5th, 2012. These are the improvements:
1) In low-light condition, the X-Pro1 will be much faster in Auto Focus mode.
2) The speed of the image coming into focus when turning the focus ring has been vastly improved.
3) At maximum speed the X-Pro1 can now write to SD memory card twice as fast as before.


Full X-E1 specs!

Photorumors found the full X-E1 specifications:

  • Same 16MP sensor as in the X-Pro1 (with max ISO of 25,600)
  • 6 fps
  • Light magnesium body
  • Improved AF speed
  • Price: bellow $1000
  • To be released before Christmas
  • Same video recording capabilities as the X-Pro1
  • Mic input
  • EVF only (not hybrid as the X-Pro1)
  • Two colors: black and silver
  • Pull 25 ISO to simulate Velvia in JPEG mode
Price below $1000 sounds particularly good :)