Tokina 23/33/56mmF1.4 Discontinuation Begins, but We Want THIS APS-C Mirrorless Lens from Tokina

click the image to find out which mirrorless APS-C lens Tokina should launch (already available for Sony E mount)
click the image to find out which mirrorless APS-C lens Tokina should launch (already available for Sony E mount)

Tokina X mount – The Missing Lens

First stores in Japan are starting to mark the following Tokina autofocus lens trinity as discountinued and in USA we have Adorama marking the Tokina 23mmF1.4 and Tokina 33mmF1.4 in “Closeout”.

I can’t really say I am surprised about it, as these are Viltrox clones at a higher price. And many other manufacturers offer autofocus lenses in that range too.

To make things worst, Tokina reacted to bad sales by increasing prices on their X mount lenses, which basically killed any chance for those lenses to sell in sufficient numbers.

And yet, there is one Tokina lens, for APS-C mirrorless, that could be very successful.

It’s already available for Sony E mount and it’s this lovely Tokina lens here.

Now, I hope Tokina won’t be discouraged to continue their X mount journey due to the bad sales of their first attempt, because I believe that the Tokina 11-18mmF2.8 would sell significantly better. The only true competitor in that range would be the Sigma 10-18mmF2.8, hence there would be still enough room for sales.

via asobinet

One More Way Not to Miss the Upcoming Rumors: FujiRumors is Now on Threads!

There are many ways you can follow FujiRumors. And today there is one more out there: Threads.

So I thought I give you a recap on all the possibilities you have to stay tuned with FujiRumors, and also tell you the differences between platforms:

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My Biggest Fujifilm Disappointment of 2023

In the video above (click and it starts automatically at the right point) I address my biggest disappointment of 2023 (and my biggest hope for 2024)

My Biggest Fujifilm Disappointement of 2023

It’s Christmas time.

We get all more kind, more gentle, we show how much we love each other and…

… forget about it…

Not in the mood for that today.

Today I want to moan, to complain and to unleash my biggest Fujifilm frustration 2023 towards the Fujifilm headquarter of Japan.

Here it is.

Dear Fujifilm,

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Brightin Star AF 50mm f/1.4 Coming December 19

Brightin Star just teased (once again) that the imminent release of the Brightin Star 50mm f/1.4 autofocus lens. Just this time we got the date: it will happen on December 19.

That’s just one of the many third party autofocus lenses in the pipeline for the Fujifilm X mount.

Brghtin Star lenses are sold at Amazon here.

via Brightin Star Weibo

What to Expect from Fujifilm in 2024 (and What Probably Not)

Fujifilm 2024

In November we have shared quite some rumors (as you can see here). And not only that! In our previous 2024 outlook, we forgot to add gear that Fujifilm has already pre-announced to come in 2024 as well as give you a look into rumored third party AF lenses.

That’s why we need to update our view into the Fujifilm year 2024.

All the X/GFX rumors come from our sources, whereas the speculations are often based on hints and comments that managers gave in interviews.

Remember, Fujifilm will launch 3 or more cameras in the first months of 2024. This means there are still more cameras we have to (and we will) leak here on FujiRumors.


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