Message to Anonymous Source who Just Shared X100V Successor Rumors with Me – UPDATE

To Readers: A few hours ago I received a message from an anonymous source. It came to me via rumor box, so I have no idea, who it is and how to contact it. My only way to contact the source is via FujiRumors. I hope you don’t mind, but making a public post is the only way to reach out to the source.

UPDATE: The source contacted me. Thanks a lot for that… and thanks to you readers for your understanding


Thanks a lot for sharing the X100V successor rumors with me.

I’d love to ask you a few more questions, and also possibly exchange some information, but for obvious reasons I can’t do it publicly via FujiRumors.

If you want to have a more direct and confidential talk, here is what you could eventually do:

  • contact me via private message on Facebook, Twitter/X or Instagram
  • contact me via email at (you can use a fake email if you want, but after 11+ years of rumor-blogging, I can guarantee you that you’ll remain 100% anonymous also if you’d decide to use your regular email)

If you decide to contact me, you can be sure that you’ll remain 100% anonymous.

If you decide not to contact me, feel free to keep using the rumor box if you want to share anything more. But if you want you can give yourself a nickname, so I can identify you thanks to it.

If you decide not to contact me via personal message and not to use a nickname, absolutely no problem. Feel free to keep using the rumor box 100% anonymously in case you want to share further information.

If we won’t be able to talk confidentially in private, for any eventual further communication with you I will share updates to this very same article.

Thanks again,

NOTE: to another source, who also contacted me today with X100V successor rumors, but this time using a nickname, the same is valid for you.

I was WRONG about Fujifilm X100V Successor – RUMOR CORRECTION

The X100V Successor – I Was Wrong

Long I have thought how to give you this information.

I thought: maybe I should give you some behind the scenes. Explain. Give you some context. So you would understand why I wrote what I wrote a few months ago.

But at the end of the day it all does not matter.

What matters is that what I told you from a beautiful spot in the Dolomites a few months ago, is now no longer accurate, hence wrong.

All I need to do now is to:

  • offer you my apology (which I hope you’ll be gracious enough to accept)
  • share a rumor correction

My apology is offered to you. Now I owe you the rumor correction:

We confirm that the Fujifilm X100V successor will come in early 2024. That’s rocksolid and I will never correct or change that rumor.

But, unlike we told you here, it will not come with a new lens. And that’s not a bad thing at all, considering that that lens has just been updated with the X100V, so it’s definitely a modern lens.

That’s it. I’ve done it.


one more thing.

In the recently “leaked” list of Fujifilm gear (that contains many errors), one of the specs listed was that the X100V successor would also have OIS (optical image stabilization). Since the X100V successor will have the same lens of the X100V, this means that it won’t have OIS.

There are still many more corrections to be done to that list. Here are the ones done so far.

Don’t forget to…


Fujinon GF14-20mm Coming – Really?

FujiRumors mock-up
FujiRumors mock-up

Fujinon GF14-20mm

A long list of “rumored” Fujifilm gear “leaked” on the web and we reported here.

I instantly warned you about a lot of inaccuracies in that list. Wrong stuff that we started to correct.

The first one to be unveiled as wrong is the Fujifilm GFX25.

Anyway, there was another piece of gear on that list, that intrigued people: the Fujinon GF14-20mm.

So let me put it this way:

The best I can say about it for now, is that none of our sources is aware of such a lens.

I don’t call it a “wrong rumor” simply because there is a difference between our sources saying something is fake (GFX25) and our sources saying they are not aware of certain gear.

But the fact that already the GFX25 rumor is wrong (and more on that list will be proven wrong), could be an indication that pretty much anything “leaked” on that list has to be taken with a grain of salt and it’s probably just a compilation of guesses and speculations wrapped into a more tasty rumor package to give it more credibility. I am NOT saying E8M made it up, it is likely that somebody else made it up and passed it to E8M, who then shared it. That’s the way guys try to convince you to publish wrong info.

Anyway, I have to be accurate when I report what our sources say. And they tell me they have no information about such a lens.

For me, this means that I have zero hopes for an eventual GF14-20 to come in 2024 and I am also not overly optimistic to see one in 2025. And if it never comes, I would not be surprised either.

If you need to go wide, your best option for a long time will be the Fujinon GF20-35mm f/4.

What will come for sure though, is what is on the roadmap: the Fujinon GF500mmF5.6 and the GF Power Zoom lens.

GF Lens Patents

The Future of Fujifilm in Patents (X and GFX gear). Filtered below you find the GFX gear related patents.

Fujifilm FF240001 Registration Found (3rd Unreleased Product): The Rumors Go Wild with Fujifilm GFX25, GFX100SII, X-Pro4, X100 and More

On the Chinese Weibo (linked below), the patent for a third unregistered Fujifilm camera has surfaced, the FF240001.

So we are now at a total of three registered cameras that have yet to be released.

  • FF230002
  • FF230003
  • FF240001

From here all possible speculations start and you can read them down below.

How do I know these are just made up speculations and not rumors?

Well, because there are so many errors I will have to correct ;). In short here are the “rumors”.

  • What they say is Sure (+ Possible)
  • 4 to 6 cameras coming in 2024
  • GFX100SII with X-T5 retro style body and no 8K video and lack of many video functions
  • X100V successor almost done. 40 MP biggest possibility
  • Highly Reliable
  • X-Pro4 updated to X-T5 performance with normal flip screen. But another source it has still the mini-LCD on the back. New film simulation
  • X100V with IBIS and OIS and 160MP High resolition mode
  • Generally Reliable
  • X100V with 50mm mode (20MP resolution)
  • 2024 is the year of GFX, with GFX100SII and several GF lenses with good focus performance
  • GFX25 coming mainly for video shooting (multiple sources confirm this)
  • Basically Impossible
  • GFX200 with 200 Megapixel
  • X-T40 ready to be released with 40 megapixel
  • No Reliability Rating
  • X-E series update in summer 2024
  • GF 14-20mm coming
  • 2x TC for GFX

But hey, it’s online. Let’s have fun even if it’s just made up stuff :).

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