Viltrox Fujifilm X Mount Lens Roadmap: Corrections and Additions

We just shared an article, where Richard Wong visits the Viltrox headquarter, and in that video, the marketing director of Viltrox said the following lenses would come also for Fujifilm X mount:

  • zoom lenses
  • Viltrox 20mm f/4.5
  • Viltrox 135mmF1.8 Lab Series (superior to Pro series)

However, Richard now contacted me saying that the Viltrox marketing director got a bit confused and there have corrections to be done, as well as another lens has to be added to the list.

The information Richard has received is the following

  • Viltrox 20mm f/2.8 (not 20mm f/4.5)
  • Viltrox 40mm f/2.5
  • zoom lenses
  • Viltrox 135mmF1.8 Lab

Thanks Richard for reaching out to FujiRumors and making sure our community has accurate information.

Sigma 100-400mmF5.0-6.3 and Sigma 23mmF1.4 Announcement Imminent – Price Leaked and Better Specs than Sony Version

A new source contacted us via the revived rumor box (using a nickname, thanks!!!), and has passed us the information that the announcement of the Sigma 100-400mm f/5.0-6.3 and Sigma 23mm f/1.4 will happen in just a few hours.

It also gave us the following details:

  • 100-400 with 5 stops stabilization (1 more than E- and L-Mount)
  • 999€ (100-400) and 499€ (23mm) in Europe

Thanks to our new source for sharing this. You’ll be elevated to trusted source status in a few hours ;). Feel free to keep up using the rumor box and your nickname for future rumors, or also contact me via in case you want to interact with me so we can talk rumors behind the scenes. Many thanks again!

The Sigma 23mm f/1.4 DC DN was pre-announced back in April here, whereas the Sigma 100-400mm f5.0-6.3 DG DN OS was first rumored on FujiRumors here.

All Sigma X mount AF lenses:

Fujifilm GFX100 II Coming with Waveforms Monitor and Anamorphic Mode

For the first time ever (and to big joy of Jordan Drake I guess), Fujifilm will offer

  • waveforms monitor
  • anamorphic mode

This much loved videographer features will come to the Fujifilm GFX100 II.

And of course we hope that Fujifilm will also treat current 5th generation gear shooters (X-T5, X-H2, X-H2S, X-S20) with firmware updates that will bring those features also to those cameras.

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
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Viltrox Future Fujifilm X Lenses: Zoom Lenses, 20mmF4.5, 135mmF1.8 Lab Series (better than Pro Series)

Richard Wong flew to China to meet up with the Viltrox management.

The first question he makes to marketing director Mandy Lee (which I met back in 2018 at photokina) was if they plan to release fast zoom lenses for the Fujifilm X mount.

The answer was:

We will have zoom lenses, but we are not sure about the focal length yet. But we have zoom lenses in our plans.

What we are sure is that we will have Cine zoom lenses, for example 22-220mm, 30-300mm and 42-420 cine zoom [manual focus] coming at the end of this year maybe.

We have plans for zoom lenses for stills, but those still need some time.

Viltrox mentions also a compact lens, but I am not sure if they mean APS-C or FF lenses. From the talk it seems like an APS-C lens, but Richard wrote “FF” in the video.

  • 20mm f/4.5 autofocus lens (small and affordable pancake lens, about $150 but image quality superior to the 23, 33 and 56mm APS-C series)

When asked if Viltrox plans to launch a competitor to the Fujinon XF200mm f/2, hence a longer prime lens, Viltrox gives us this answer:

  • 135mm f/1.8 Lab Series coming by the end of 2023. Lab Series image quality and performance will be higher than the Pro series

Also in this case, the question is clearly about Fujifilm APS-C lenses, and Mandy Lee answers to that, but when asked later on if that’s for Full Frame, Mandy says “yes”. Then she gets asked if it will come also for Fujifilm X mount, and she just says “Yeah”.

So to me this sounds as if both, the 20mm f/4.5 and 135mm f/1.8 will come for several mounts in APS-C and FF format.

BREAKING: This is the Name of the New Film Simulation Coming September 12

According to our trusted sources (thanks!) that the new film simulation coming September 12 will be called REALA.

The Reala film stock (sold with the name Reala Ace and Reala Superia and discontinued in 2012), was a aimed at professional and enthusiast photographers and it was Fuji’s first film with 4th layer technology for exceptional color accuracy, especially in fluorescent lighting (no greenish cast). The 4th layer technology would make also the 400H film so popular.

The original film was very loved by wedding photographers and seems to be ready to make its comeback in form of a new film simulation.

Let’s hope it will find its way in as many older Fujifilm cameras as possible. But so far I have no rumors about any firmware updates in this regard.

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
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