Fujifilm GFX100 II Coming with Video Touch-to-Track Autofocus

image: my wife and my finger ;)
image for demonstration purpose only – in the frame: my wife at the Wuhnleger Weiher, which can be seen in this video here

One of the big mysteries in the Fujifilm world always was: why does Fujifilm offer touch-to-track autofocus in stills, but not in video?

Well, the Fujifilm GFX100 II will finally put an end to this mystery, as I hear from trusted sources that the Fujifilm GFX100 II will offer touch-to-track AF also in video.

And you know exactly what this means.

It means that now we ask for Kaizen Firmware love also for other cameras that are already on the market ;).

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
GFX100II Rumors & More

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Which Film Simulation Would You Like to Get Next?

We have shared the rumor that Fujifilm will launch a new film simulation on September 12.

So the question now is: which film would you like to get on Fujifilm cameras in digital format with the next film simulation*?

It does not have to be an original Fujifilm film stock, but it can be inspired by film of any brand.

Just note that if Fujifilm would use a competitors’ film stock as base for the new film simulations, for legal reasons they  would change the name into something else.

For example, Classic Chrome is inspired by Kodak emulsions as Fuji insiders explained us here.

So, feel free to let us know in the comments down below what you’d like to see next.

*usually film simulations are inspired by film emulsions (Velvia & Co), or by certain photographic movements, as it was the case for the “American New Color” inspiration for Nostalgic Negative (full story here).


Fujifilm GFX100II with 3-Way Tilt Screen

When we shared the rumor that the Fujifilm GFX100II would accept the cooling fan (which we confirm), I noticed people saying in the comments that this obviously means the GFX100II will have a fully articulating screen, just like every other cameras that is currently compatible with that fan.

But sometimes, what we think is so obvious, is wrong anyway ;).

Because we have been told the Fujifilm GFX100II will have a 3 way tilt screen.

Cameras Compatible with the Cooling Fan

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
GFX100II Rumors & More

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Fujifilm to Launch New Film Simulation on September 12

Usually it goes like this.

Fujifilm launches a new sensor/processor platform and gives us a new film simulation along with it.

But that did not happen with the launch of the Fujifilm X-H2S back in May 2022, and also not with all the other 5th generation gear that followed (X-H2, X-T5, X-S20).

That sucked, and I started moaning about it after the last X summit in May 2023.

But things are finally going to change on September 12.

According to our trusted sources, Fujifilm will launch a new film simulation on September 12.

One more thing to look forward to on September 12.

  • click here – How 3 Dollar Saved my Fujifilm X-T5 and Re-Discovering Classic Negative in Vietnam
  • click here – Welcome to the World of VELVIA Film Simulation
  • click here – An Introduction to Fujifilm’s Film Simulation Modes
  • click here – I photographed my first wedding and here are the Film Simulations I loved most
  • click here – Vote Your Favorite Film Simulation!
  • click here – Fujifilm Colors Science: GFX vs X Series, From Superia to Classic Negative, More Film Simulations
  • click here – Fujifilm Managers Talk Film Simulations: Origins, Evolutions, Goals, Misunderstandings, Bold Classic Negative and Much More
  • click here – The Power of Fujifilm Colors: Why I LOVE Fuji Colors and See Them in Action at Our Film Simulations Group
  • click here – Meet Minami-San, Fujifilm’s Color Guru Since 50 Years and Now Bringing Fuji’s Color Science from Film to Digital
  • click here – Fujifilm asks what’s your favorite film simulation (and I tell you mine)
  • click here – Fujifilm Rethink RAW :: JPEG is Your Friend and Fuji’s Film Simulations Rock
  • click here – This Guy Fine Tuned his Fujifilm Film Simulation Settings Inspired by the Work of Great Film Photographers. See “Chrome Eggleston” & More
  • click here – An Ode To ACROS: “A Game Changer, My Favorite Film Simulation by far!” :: And about the Best ACROS (or B&W) Settings!

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
GFX100II Rumors & More

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The 3 Biggest Fujifilm X Summit Disappointments