RUMOR: No Fujifilm X100V Successor in 2023 (X200, X100VI or X100W-hatever)

Everything is Possible (almost)

FujiRumors broke the rumors:

But we also know one more thing. Fujifilm two registrations filed so far: the Fujifilm FF230001 and FF230002.

Now, assuming that one of the two will be the Fujifilm GFX100 replacement, this leaves all possible options open for the second one.

Well, not really all options. I mean, I simply can’t see a Fujifilm X-H3 or Fujifilm X-H3s coming in September, as those cameras are hardly 1 year old (or less).  And also not the Fujifilm X-T6 or Fujifilm X-S30.

But other than that, we can hope for:

  • a Fujifilm X-T5s with 26MP stacked sensor of X-H2S
  • a Fujifilm X-Pro4 maybe with some curious solutions as many hope for example a monochrome sensor
  • a Fujifilm X-E5 which is not a dead line according to Fujifilm managers
  • the long awaited Fujifilm X-T40
  • the much wished Fujifilm X80 or Fujifilm XF20
  • the revival of Fuji’s entry level cameras with the Fujifilm X-T300, Fujifilm X-A8, Fujifilm X-A30 or Fujifilm X-M2
  • less likely in my opinion the Fujifilm GFX100S successor, Fujifilm GFX50R successor or Fujifilm GFX50SII successor, as I can’t see Fuji launching two GFX cameras on the same day (they never did that in the past, but never say never)

And in fact, I asked you to vote on which camera you’d like to get on September 12 and you can see the results here.

X100V successor is NOT possible

At this point you’ve noticed something: there is no Fujifilm X100V successor (X200, X100VI, X100 whatever it will be called) in the list.


Well, because despite being one of your top wished cameras (second only to another camera), and despite fake rumors already being shared about the X100V to come on September 12, I can now tell you with 110% certainty that there will not be any Fujifilm X100V replacement coming in 2023.

Trust me on this guys. No X100V successor in 2023.

I guess Fujifilm has no hurry at all to come out with a successor, given the fact, explained by Fujifilm managers, that if the world would stop to order X100V today, it would still take them 3 months to be able to ship all X100V orders placed until yesterday.

Seen from this perspective, the biggest problem of the Fujifilm X100VI (or whatever) is the terrific success of the X100V.

Feeling Lucky?

I feel lucky and will click the links to see if the X100V is in stock” :)

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Firmware Suggestions, Lens Wishes and More – FR-readers Wishlist Corner

I get many emails from FR-readers with wishes about all possible things regarding the Fujifilm system.

Today I decided to catch up with and share some of those wishes.

This time we don’t share camera related wishes, but only lens, firmware and more, as otherwise there would be simply just too much to cover and discuss at once. An additional wishlist roundup with even more wishes will follow later on.

Wishlist Roundup

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm Announces Plan to Deal with Parts Shortage Issue

Fujifilm seems to be trying to takle the parts shortage more seriously compared to that creative (and failed) solution of using blockchain for that purpose.

Now, down below you can read the google translated version of their plan, which is not 100% clear, but I guess it overall simply means: we’ll get more parts from more suppliers.

On the 6th, Fujifilm announced the goal of expanding the target to a total of 30,000 parts of 30 suppliers by the fiscal year for digital platforms that optimize parts inventories such as digital cameras. We have been conducting verification for 4300 items from 8 companies since October last year, but we have started full-scale operation as we have been able to confirm the cost reduction effect such as inventory management.

Oh well, better late than never I guess.

Let’s hope this will have positive effects also on the Fujifilm X100V, which in Japan is suspended since 8 months and as Fujifilm managers told us recently here, if the entire world would stop to order the Fujifilm X100V today, it would take Fujifilm still up to 3 months to manufacture and ship all the cameras already ordered until up to this point.

And quite frankly, there are plenty of other cameras that could benefit from a more stable parts procurement, maybe there could be even a revival for the Fujifilm X-E4, which was discontinued even though MANY of you had one on order. Fujifilm simply gave up on being ever able to ship it in a reasonable time.

via jiji via digicame-info via thisistanaka

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

Yongnuo YN 50mm f/1.8 X DA DSM PRO for Fujifilm X Mount Shipping July 20 and More Information

It looks like the Yongnuo YN 50mm f/1.8 X DA DSM PRO for Fujifilm X is coming soon, so much so that some website are already sharing their launch pages including additional information and images, as you can see down below.

The new lens uses 11 groups of 14 lenses, including three low dispersion lenses (LD), four aspherical lenses, etc., to ensure the overall lightness and compactness, while also showing excellent imaging capabilities; the aspherical lenses are added to effectively eliminate the aberrations, spherical aberration, aberrations and other problems caused by spherical lenses.

Aspheric lens: effectively eliminate the aberration, spherical aberration, aberration and other problems caused by spherical lens, so that the surrounding incident light more ideally concentrated to the focal plane, and can save the lens, facilitate the lightweight design of the lens.

Low Dispersion Lens (LD): Effectively eliminates chromatic aberration and better suppresses dispersion problems.

It will cost 1799 Yuan (250 USD).

It’s actually already available for purchase at

via techgoing via gamingdeputy

RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement Coming September 12

NOTE: in the video above you will see me and my GFX100S in action in one of the most colorful pieces of nature + see some images I took with it

I’ve told you that the next Fujifilm X Summit will take place on September 12.

The question is: what will come on that day?

Well, I can now tell you that, for sure, we will get the long rumored Fujifilm GFX100 replacement.

Again: we are talking about the Fujifilm GFX100 replacement (so the successor to this camera here), and not the replacement to the GFX100S, GFX50R or any other GFX camera.

I don’t have indication about anything else to come at this point, but I will make sure to update you as soon as I have solid information.

What I am 100% sure of, though, is that in the next few weeks and months, there will be LOTS of rumors on FujiRumors. I mean, really LOTS of rumors ;).

So, if you want to have a fun time, then stay tuned on this blog and also on the FujiRumors YouTube channel.

Did I already tell you there will be LOTS OF RUMORS? ;)

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