Fujifilm X-S20 Announcement on May 24

The Fujifilm X Summit on May 24 is approaching and as a consequence speculations and hopes are rising about which cameras Fujifilm could announce on that day.

Well, today we can tell you with 100% certainty that the Fujifilm X-S20 will be announced during the X Summit on May 24.

Will it be the only camera to drop on May 24? Will there be more surprises?

Well, I am working on it and will let you know here on FujiRumors. So definitely stay tuned.

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Fujifilm X-Pro3 Now Discontinued also at BHphoto and Adorama

Back in December we reported how the first stores started to mark the Fujifilm X-Pro3 as discontinued.

Well, the inevitable disappearance of the Fujifilm X-Pro3 continues, as it is now marked as discontinued at BHphoto here and at Adorama here.

The situation does not look much better at Amazon either.

Some stores even totally removed the X-Pro3 from their website, such as Wexphotovideo here.

As I told you from a parking lot, I believe the Fujifilm X-Pro line will continue to be an experimental line for Fujifilm and I am looking forward to see what the Fujifilm X-Pro4 will look like. As soon as I have rumors about it (as well as the permission to share them) I will let you know.

X-Pro4 Dreams

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Two New Fujifilm Cameras Registered to be Launched Separately – May 26 and September 12 According to FCC

We told you that Fujifilm has now two camera registered:

So far FujiRumors has rumored two cameras to come in 2023:

To be clear: I don’t know if these will be the only two cameras in 2023 or if there will be more. If there will be more, then those codenames could stand for other cameras.

Now, thanks to the help of a fellow FR-reader, we are able to tell you also when, according to the registration, these two cameras will be made public (see screenshots below):

  • FF220002 = May 26
  • FF230001 = September 12

Now, we know that Fujifilm has very recently announced the Fujifilm X Summit on May 24, which is old news if you follow FujiRumors, because we already told you about it a couple of weeks ago.

So at least the May 26 date is not really accurate, as the FF220002 camera will be announced on May 24.

That’s why we should take also the second date, September 12, with a grain of salt.

But what we can assume pretty safely at this point is that there will be separate announcements for the FF220002 and the FF230001 cameras, with one coming in May and the other one probably in September.


Keep in mind that Fujifilm can change plans anytime (I mean, the X Summit in April has been canceled, right?).

So especially in regards to the camera that according to the registration might be planed to come in September, we must take that date with a grain of salt, as there is simply too much time between now and September and Fujifilm can change plans a couple of times until then. Assuming they even really have set a date for that announcement already.

So, I share the dates with you now, because that’s what the official registrations say, but don’t take them as something rocksolid.

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Leaked XF8mmF3.5, Fujifilm X-S20, GFX100 Replacement, Viltrox 27mmF1.2, Tons of New Firmware Updates and More – Top 10 April

April was a month rich on rumors (shared exclusively for you here on FujiRumors) and firmware updates that you should definitely not miss. This is why this months’ top 10 article is particularly important.

There is only one non-rumor and non-firmware article that made it in the top ten, and it covers a wonderful software for Fujifilm X-Trans files: DxO PureRAW 3 and DxO DeepPRIME XD. Personally I also own DxO PhotoLab 6.4.

In addition to the usual top 10 articles, we will also introduce a new section with the top 5 FR YouTube videos of the month.

Top 10 Articles

  1. LEAKED: This is the Sensor of the Fujifilm X-S20
  2. New Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T3, X-T4, X-T5 and X-H2
  3. RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement is Next GFX Camera coming in 2023 (Trusted Source)
  4. Fujifilm Releases Significant Firmware Updates for Many XF/GF Lenses (plus X-A3, X-A10, XA20)
  5. LEAKED: Fujinon XF8mm f/3.5 R WR Images
  6. Fujifilm X-H2, X-H2s, FT-XH Firmware Updates Released
  7. MARK THIS DATE: Fujifilm X Summit on May 24
  8. Fujifilm X-Pro4 Fantasies – Your Dreams Here!
  9. LEAKED: First Images of Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 PRO XF (vs Viltrox 75mm f/1.2)
  10. DPReview Tests DxO DeepPRIME XD for Fujifilm X-Trans Files: “Make it Your Default Option for High-ISO Shots”

Top 5 Videos

Is This Really All We Will Get? – FUJIFILM CAMERA ROADMAP 2023

Let’s have a weekend chat… and try to give an answer to a question I often get.

The story is this:

Back in March Fujifilm Spain displayed this camera roadmap, where they show two more cameras coming in 2023.

So the question I get often these days is: is this really all we will get in 2023? Two cameras and no more?

I can understand your skepticism, especially considering that even during the Covid pandemic Fujifilm has launched an average of 3 to 4 cameras a year, as we calculated in this article.

And if Fujifilm really was to launch two cameras only, then FujiRumors readers already know which ones these will be:

So what’s my take on this?

First off: it is not clear if the roadmap displayed by Fujifilm Spain refers to X series cameras only (hence APS-C cameras) or if it includes also GFX cameras.

If it was for X series only, then it we would get 2 X series cameras (one of them being the X-S20) and at least one GFX camera (as we rumored here).

The Spanish website Fujistas, who shared the roadmap and was present at the event, actually reported on them as being “two X series cameras“. So that would mean two APS-C cameras. So there is one I never rumored before that would still come in 2023.

But even if Fujifilm Spain’s roadmap would include the GFX cameras, than I’d not be 100% sure that all we get are really only 2 cameras.


Because internal roadmaps get regular updates and are often changed depending on the need of the moment. Fujifilm might postpone a camera launch, but can also anticipate its announcement. This depends on lots of things such as their own state in terms of development of new models, but Fuji can also look at what competitors are doing and in case step on the gas and work on releasing new gear faster.

I mean, cameras can even get totally canceled from a roadmap and then find their way back into it, as it was the case with the Fujifilm X-E4 for example.

Same happens with lens roadmaps, which are public. Fujifilm can announce and even show mockups of roadmap lens (remember the XF33mmF1.0?) and then cancel or change it. Other lenses get delayed, other never appeared on any roadmap, but suddenly hit the market (lots of the MKII lenses for example).

That’s why I personally would take any camera or lens roadmap with a grain of salt.

If it really was the most up to date roadmap and it would include also GFX cameras, then FujiRumors basically already told you which cameras will come in 2023.

But if’s only for X series or not the most up to date roadmap, then this means I have still some work to do to find out which other cameras could come in 2023.

In any case, stay tuned on FujiRumors. As soon as I can tell you something reliable, I will post updates here on the blog and on my YouTube channel.

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