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DigitalRev X-deals: X-E1/X-PRO1 price drops


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Interesting prices for the X-E1 body. You can grab it for $759 – €713 (Germany) – £529 here. And if can’t go without the OVF, you could buy the X-PRO1 body for $1.209 – €1107 (Germany) – £839 here.

DigitalRev is offering also a free Leather case with the purchase of the X100S (click here). But be aware that the X100S price is higher than on other web stores (like Amazon, BH…). For example you can have the X100S and Leather case cheaper if you buy them separately at BHphot here (X100S) and here (LC-X 100). At BH you’ll pay $1400, at DigitalRev $1490.

There are some offers also at ebay. The easiest way to find them is via slidoo. Click on the links below to compare the prices at other stores:

LC-X100: [shopcountry 10321] Fuji X-E1: [shopcountry 10259] Fuji X-PRO1: [shopcountry 10261] Fuji X100S: [shopcountry 10075] Fuji X20: [shopcountry 10267]
