FR-Readers Wishlist Corner: Firmware Suggestions, Video-Less X-Pro4, Fujinon XF16-160mmF3.5-5.6 and More
Wishlist Corner
I am terribly sorry…. terribly sorry that many of you had to wait so long to be featured.
But no matter how hard I work, especially in a crazy 2022, with 3 higher end cameras coming out and 4 XF lenses coming out, I simply could not find time to collect all your wishes and share them.
So I’ll do it today… I grabbed a large beer, took a deep breath, and worked to organise the wishes I have received over the last few months in this article.
So… down below it is: the FR-readers wishlist roundup
by Eugene Girshtel
I’m proposing that Fuji allow for bird eye tracking on the XT3/XT4 cameras BUT only in AF-S mode (CPU performance issues). I think that would be a game changer for everyone.
by Michael Cox
I have some ideas that I wish I could somehow get to someone at Fujifilm.
- variable self-timer mode, with intervals up to 60 sec. There are times that 10 seconds is not enough.
- add more aspect ratios to the X-T series (ie, X-Pan 65:24, 7:6, and so on, mimicking what we can do in the GFX models
- create a limited edition X100 with a monochrome X-Trans sensor, package it in a gift box and charge double what the standard X100V goes for and I bet they’d sell out in a few weeks
- incorporate an in-camera (non-raw) automatic tilt correction for architecture. I do this in post, but it would be cool to see this implemented in a camera for the jpeg output
- add a higher resolution file output somewhere between jpeg and raw. TIFF are too large, HEIC is not fully accepted but may be in a year or two
- maintain the current ISO, shutter speed and compensation dials in the X-T5. I’m fine with the PSAM in the GFX but I think most Fujifilm users would prefer the layout and control options with the manual dials
- fix the abysmally loose lens hood for the X-100V etc models, which I have to tape on because it can be loosened by a shirtsleeve brushing it
by Peter Ziegler – website
Leica launched first the M10 and then the M11 without video support. If anyone is able to follow this bold move, it’s Fujifilm with the upcoming X-Pro 4. For video, there is the X-H2s. Instead of including video into the X-Pro 4, they might rather built in a high-resolution EVF or IBIS.

by Gregor
I have an Idea ore Question about headphones on Fuji Cams (X-T3/4, X-H1 etc.).
Is there a way to connect my bluetooth-Headphones with the Fuji. I mean, they have BT build in… so no headphone jack is needed…
by Joel
this is my perspective as a full time pro. Although the Fuji lens line covers a good array of choices:
My number one request is that Fujifilm work on making the line more consistent when they update/develop lenses:
Some lenses have marked aperture rings, some don’t;
some have a focus clutch for manual focus and some don’t;
some have OIS buttons on the lens to quickly turn on/off stabilization and some don’t;
some have fast autofocus and some don’t.
there doesn’t seem to be any effort to minimize the sheer number of different filter sizes for some consistency (I’m from the film age when manufacturers went out of their way to have filter sizes as consistent as possible- well, Canon, Nikon, and Olympus did anyway.)
In consideration of the exploding popularity of infrared, my next wish is that Fuji would at least consider infrared performance when creating lenses. Right now it’s luck of the draw. For example the 18-135mm is excellent for IR but the 16-80mm is terrible. That’s why I have both- one for my IR modified X-T3 and the other goes on my visible light (unmodified/standard) X-T3.
I wouldn’t expect this from other manufacturers like Canon because they are often behind the curve. But Fujifilm, in many ways, is innovative and pays attention to users’ desires (Thank you Fuji Rumors!) This is something that, if considered, has to be done so during lens design. I would be curious to know if they ever considered this with previous lens designs. I’m guessing it’s a difficult proposition but if anyone could figure out solutions, I think it’s Fuji.
And for a specific lens:
I would love to see a 16-160mm f3.5-5.6 (trying to be reasonable on aperture)
I own both the 18-135mm and 16-80mm and both fall short in range as a walkabout lens, being too limited on one end or other of the range.
My standard of reference is years of using the Sony FE 24-240mm zoom which is quite compact, very good quality, especially considering the 10X range and only $1000 U.S. new.
Fujifilm does have many good choices in their lens lineup already but above are my wishes.
by John
One thing still bothers me almost weekly about the Fuji system: the inability to grab a quick raw file to my phone/table over wifi. Sure, it is slower (to transfer) than a cable or SD reader, but it sure is faster than when you don’t have a cable or reader!
It is also frustrating that AF controls (like face detect) seem absent or sub-par when controlling the camera via wifi.
by Peter
I have a X100S and it has overlays for the Rule of Thirds. What if there were more that were user-selectable? In a perfect situation, I could use a button to rotate or reverse various overlays to my orientation of the camera. Some composition rules can be found at Nr.9 here.
by Jan
Just simply: I (=not only me) want full fuji photo power without having to be a Microsoft or Apple customer. Even things like a simplified open Application Programming Interface (API) that Fujifilm X Raw Studio uses would be terribly welcome by hundreds of thousands. This would be absolutely no danger for fujifilm as for breaking any secrets or so. Just a big welcome for so many guys who would then become new and totally faithful fuji customers. The first camera company that starts such a step will win all. Why not Fuji and why not now already?
by Stuart
Rather than larger lenses I’d like to see a couple of smaller ones. My first digital camera was a Pentax and I had their 21mm f/3.2 on it most of the time. Small, great walk-around and travel focal length, fast enough for most purposes, and sharp enough for the 6Mp sensor.
I own the Fuji 27mm f/2.8 but It’s not a focal length I find very useful. I’ve thought about the 18mm f/2 but I see no point to a wide angle which isn’t sharp to the corners. An optically improved, possibly slower version would be at the top of my personal wish list. I find my 35mm f/1.4 ideal when I need something longer.
by Dennis
Im amazed with the X-H2 die hards, I would like Fuji to update that camera so they will devote more time on the XT-4 to stills. Video is wonderful, but with the improvement of iPhones and small personal devices, I rarely bring full cameras to everyday outings. Those of use who have more expensive video equipment would rather bypass the excitement of Fuji video innovations….just keep firmware updates and improve my stills.
Even more, please hurry with the new zoom tele ~75-300 due soon along with the 10-24 II…that really matters to me.
by Igor
As a new Fuji user, I recently bought myself X S10, and I am very happy to see that Fuji recognised potential customers among those who like more “DSLR style” commands, and are budget oriented at the same time. Having that in mind, it is a very logical path to pair such a camera with appropriate lenses. It seems to me that most of the existing prime lenses are primarily designed for use with traditional Fuji styled cameras (with exposure dials and aperture ring on the lens), and for a X S10 user, buying such lenses seems like an overkill. One reason is because of the unused aperture ring, and other is because of the high cost. And what I personally see as a great, potential way to fill this gap is introducing new XC primes, for example – like XC 35mm f/2. It totally makes sense, since I think “DSLR style” users don’t use aperture rings anyway, and again, budget users usually don’t care that much about metal bodies, build quality, etc., but more about price/optical performance ratio. It would be really great to see more cheaper prime lenses, especially from those f/2 lines, like 18, 23, 50 (35 already exist).
With all the new changes in the mirrorless world, the APS-C market seems a little bit neglected. Canon and Nikon are very clear committing to the full frame cameras, and Sony with a6x00 series, although very capable, are still not at the Fuji level for the shooting experience, colors, etc.
So, having this in mind, I think it can be a very smart move to open up to these new, budget oriented users, with new cheaper, but optically capable, new prime lenses.
Since I didn’t find anything similar on the internet, my intentions are just to share my thoughts.
by Linda
Fuji needs to enable a custom user setting similar to Olympus, Sony and Canon (R5 and R6).
These custom settings should include auto focus mode, continuous or single shooting mode, shutter speed, aperture and ISO. It is very difficult in the field to switch from single shot, non-tracking, and relatively slow shutter speed that you might use for a perched bird to high shutter speed, continuous shutter, continuous focus, with tracking mode enabled so you can capture birds in flight in the next instant.
Fuji has not enabled customization in this manner to my knowledge while every other mirrorless manufacturer does.
My Fuji never goes on wildlife trips with me anymore and my long lens may get sold. It is just too frustrating to use in the field when quick changes of multiple shooting parameters are needed. If Fuji could implement C1, C2 and C3 modes comparable to Sony and Canon R5/R6, it would be a game changer for many including me.
Animal eye autofocus is a nice to have but I could live without it as long as I had the level of customized shooting ability that Sony and Canon have.
by Adam
Hello, I’m a long time reader of Fuji Rumors and I really appreciate your work. I’m writing to you because I would like to bring attention to a crucial missing feature on the X-S10 and I thought that maybe you could post about it or point me in the right direction to hopefully get this addressed in a firmware update very soon. This email turned out rather long and that’s just because I did tons of research before reaching out to you. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t wasting anyone’s time.
The feature I’m referring to is USB tethering. Cameras in the GFX, X-H, and X-Pro lines, as well as the X-T1 through X-T4 all have the option for USB control but it has been left out of the X-S10 (for reference, you can read about the feature in the X-T4 user manual here). USB tethering of course lets the camera be controlled by software on a computer (like Adobe and webcam apps) but the functionality I’m missing is the ability for DJI gimbals to control the camera via USB.
For example, most DJI gimbals can control all the following features when connecting Fujifilm cameras that have the “USB TETHER SHOOTING AUTO” setting in their menu: Power up the Camera, Capture photo, Start/stop recording video, Pull focus electronically, Trigger auto focus, ISO, Shutter, and Aperture.
Fuji cameras without USB tethering must be connected to DJI’s gimbals using the mini-jack remote cable and the only function the gimbal can control is the shutter button, half-press and full-press, just like any other 2.5mm or 3.5mm wired remote.
In my opinion Fujifilm has marketed the X-S10 as their modern vlogging/video camera through all those PROJECT #SOOC YouTube videos and whatnot, yet it is barely functional with the gimbals that are most popular in that genre. I find this to be a huge issue. I mean, I bought the X-S10 due to that marketing and now I’m left with something no more capable than my X-E3 when used on my new DJI RSC2 gimbal. DJI’s full compatibility matrix can be viewed here.
Honestly, I wouldn’t try to bring attention to this if I thought it was a pointless endeavor. However I have found some clues that make me think this feature can actually be added in a firmware update and we’re not dealing with a hardware limitation. One example is that the X-S10 is listed (along with the cameras I mentioned above) in the compatibility section of the FujiFilm X Webcam Software here. Myself and a few others on the forums have tried it and it doesn’t seem to be working with the X-S10 currently though. It’s like Fuji forgot to add the “USB TETHER SHOOTING AUTO” option in the X-S10’s menu or maybe they couldn’t get it ready in time for the camera’s launch date. Well, it’s been a month since launch so I’m hoping that a website respected in the community like yours (and maybe a few YouTubers) bringing attention to this omission might bring this feature to the top of Fuji’s priority list.
I know you’re a busy guy so no worries if you’re not interested in this. If you don’t have time or interest in covering this then would you happen to have a relevant contact at Fuji that I could message or email? I’ve tried their front line support and they put zero effort into understanding what I was asking or providing me with contact information for anyone that might care.
Hey thanks for reading, man. Sorry this was so long but I like to be thorough. Feel free to reply to this email if you would like to discuss this further.
Russ Johnson
have a Fuji X-T4 which I used mostly for video. There is one key feature missing that I have a serious need for. I shoot a lot of documentary “verité” style footage – on the fly, moving subjects. Auto focus won’t do under these circumstances so I use manual focus most times, but I need to be able to get a momentary, instantaneous auto focus with a back focus button. However, Fuji does not allow for this while recording video in manual focus mode.
It seems like this would be a relatively small firmware update, but there is so much emphasis on auto-focus these days.
by Omar
One suggestion for future GFX100 update if you could pass the message:
– to be able to stick in magnifying mode when previewing photos to delete. In my case; taking a lot of bird photos and trying to delete in camera the blurred ones before exporting big raw files to computer without wasting time going out of delete mode and magnifying again and again go to delete mode to delete and repeat 👍🦾 Tq in advance
by Yahya
Personnally for the x-h2, since it will be broadly used for outdoor portraits and landscape, i believe a built in nd like the one implemented in the x100v would be an excellent feature to the x-h2.
Also part of my wishlist is about samyang, following the success of their manual focus 12mm f/2 they released an af version. And samyang has some rather excellent fast lenses whose image quality sometimes even surpass other third party lenses (like sigma and viltrox). So a second wish in my wishlist is that they make an af version of their 35mm f/1.2, 50mm f/1.2, 85mm f/1.8, 21mm f/1.4 which all were exclusive to aps-c mirrorless lenses
by Michael
In any Fujifilm camera (frankly, in all of them) when there is a firmware update, add a user-customizable time to the self-time options, or at the very least, add 20 or 30 seconds. Ten seconds isn’t long enough.
There should be a way to copy all the settings from one FUJIFILM Camera and transfer them (or those that can be adopted by the second camera) using the SD card. For instance I have set several custom recipes in one camera, then had to laboriously rewrite them in a second camera.
by Markus
It would be perfect if a sensor crop at record time was available. The use case would be to use a wider prime, such as 23mm f/2 and crop it to 27mm f/2.4. If the internal resampling of the image is prohibitive as live view the digital zoom could also only be visible as crop frame in the image and while the RAW-file might be saved full, the JPG would be readily cropped. Overall Fujifilm strategy is to enhance SOOC experience and I think this is another missing feature to complete this experience in a well rounded way.