Fuji X100s versus RX1…an unfair comparison :)
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Yesterday Quesabesde posted the full Fuji X20 review. Today Quesabesde (translation here) posted the full Fuji X100s test. And they also compared the [shoplink 6127]X100s[/shoplink] performance with the more than twice as expensive [shoplink 8981]Sony RX1 Full Frame camera[/shoplink]. Quesabesde writes: “Although the RX1, equipped with a full-format CMOS 24 megapixels and a Carl Zeiss 35mm f2, represents the pinnacle of quality in a compact camera, Fujifilm’s new model is able to hold the stake.”
I am not sure there is really a market for a Full Frame compact model a là RX1. But I imagine A Fuji X1s model with FF sensor could outperform the Sony RX1. But, let me know…

Fuji X100s price and in Stock status check at [shopcountry 6127].
For reference: RX1 price check at [shopcountry 8981].