Fujifilm APS-C Crop is Cr&p and These Images Prove Only Full Frame Delivers – #photosfujicanttake

Fuji Crop is Crap
How often have we heard influcencers says that Fujifilm is not a professional system, because it is not full frame.
How often have super talented photographers, who hide behind anonymous forum accounts with no portfolio, said that Fujifilm APS-C is not good enough to keep up with their immense talent and creativity.
How often have professional photo reviewers given scientific proof that Fujifilm APS-C can hardly beat an iPhone in terms of image quality.
How often have we heard about how impossible X-Trans files are to edit.
How often have we heard youtubers complaining about the slow manual controls on Fuji cameras, making it impossible to take pictures, because you have to spend half an hour turning dials before pressing the shutter.
And today I will prove, that they were all right!
In the spirit of one of my favorite Fuji blogs, photosfujiscanttake.com, I will list below a series of images, so horrible and painful to the eyes due to the limitations of the APS-C sensor, that you will immediately agree with forum experts, that APS-C is not for Pros.
If you are brave enough, check out the images below.
There is everything wrong, the colors, the dynamic range, the noise, the moments.
Thanks to all members of our gigantic Fujifilm X-T group for providing us these samples.
NOTE: is your sarcasm detector switched on? ;)
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Randy Benigno
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taken with xt1 and samyang 12mm
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Bruno Miguel Soares
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|| Greater Dreams ||
Fujifilm X-T2 + XF10-24mm
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Andrea Fraccaroli
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Xt2-10-24 f4
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Gennaro Marano
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Xt3 – 56mm f1.2
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Mattia Kers Chersicola
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3 cime di Lavaredo, Dolomites Italy
Mattia Chersicola Photo
xt2+10-24 H&Y filter nd64 + balancer
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Robert Buckett
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XT3 with 50-140 f2.8 @106mm f4.0 1/240th ISO 1250
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Nicolas Castermans
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First post here!
I did a 5-week trip in China with a new XT3 and the kit lens!
I almost never felt limited with this combo.
I’ve been able to shoot landscapes as well as portraits!
China is a fascinating country for travel photography. It has absolutely everything! Stunning nature, history, traditions, diversity, culture, cities…Etc
I just wrote two articles about these places so if you’re interested to know the stories behind these images, feel free to look at them on my blog here : http://baikara.net/blog/
I’ll have to write a third one as soon as I have time to rest…
I also detail all my trips around the world on my instagram so you can also have a look at my account : https://www.instagram.com/nicolascastermans/
I’m currently in Peru, for about two months. Then I’ll come back to my lovely Alps in france for the summer, before leaving for the Himalaya in Northern India and China again 📷 :D
And if you have any question, I’ll be glad to help you! 📷:)
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Craig Purvis
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There are so many posts regarding ‘issues’ with the X-Series it makes me wonder if these are placed by Canon/Nikon/Sony as a means of reducing Fuji’s competitiveness? In other words ‘fake news’. Maybe I got really lucky with the Fujis that I bought (XT-1 & 3) and I’m one of the few that don’t have ANY problems whatsoever.
Anyone else having a problem free Fuji experience, or am I on my own?
I’ve thrown in one of my happy Fuji moments for good measure.
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Bram Marien
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What do you think about super fast shutter speeds?
90mm F/2 – 1/10.000 – F2 – ISO 3200
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Bálint Lengyel
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My very first milky way shot, with my new 16mm F1.4
This lens is magic! (with a little coma in the extreme corners)
Exif: Fujifilm x-t20 + 16mm F1.4 wide open
– foreground: iso400, 4 minutes
– sky: panorama from 3 pictures, each stacked from 17 frames, Iso6400, 15 sec
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Andrea Livieri
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“CRETE SENESI” – Tuscany 2019
Andrea Livieri Photography
Last week I spent a few days in Tuscany photographing the incredible colors and lights in Val d’Orcia and Crete Senesi. It was a four days trip visiting some of the well known locations, tasting so many delicious food, and I have to say …a lot of excellent local red wine!
Here below an image I captured roughly one hour before sunset using my brand new Fujifilm X-T30. This camera is absolutely brilliant and I had so much fun playing with it; lightweight, the ergonomics is perfect even though my hands are quite big, and the image quality is second to none.
Fujifilm X-T30 + Fujinon XF50-140mm f/2.8
ISO 200 – 1/800sec. – f/8 – 72mm
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Nicolas Castermans
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Hello guys! Here is a little album of two of my recent adventures in the Peruvian Andes.
It’s in the region of Cuzco, around the Ausangate mountain (6384m).
As you can see, the nature is absolutely stunning in this part of the world, and Quechua people are inhabiting these valleys…
Their lives turns mainly around their herds of alpacas. They handcraft beautiful clothes from the wool, and sell the animals for the meat…
The average altitude of this region is 4,500 meters high!
I’ve been living and guiding in this area for more than three years now. I know this place well, I know the locals well… I’m thinking of documenting properly this amazing region of the world.
So if you have any idea about how to do that well, I’ll be very glad to hear from you :)
Shot with the XT3 and the 18-55mm
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Stewart Van Wyk
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New York Sunset on Wednesday. I couldn’t believe my luck, waited nearly two hours and in the last five minutes the sky turned this unreal colour
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Victor Candia
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Viltrox 85mm f1.8 and x-t3
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Massimo Alloi
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parallels worlds
Fuji XT3 – Fuji 50-140
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JLuis Quintero
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Sad story… dog, great Dane, ate my and destroyed my camera literally, with the help of his brother ate up my xt – 3, literally sad over this, is the x t20 any good? I am in need of one, will be travelling soon, what are y’all opinions?
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Darrin Roberts
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That pesky kit lens again on the XT3…. Need to edit the railing reflection out of the top when I get to a pc, jpeg from camera and a slight tweak on PS mobile…
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Tomić Dalibor
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XT2 + 90WR
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Enrique Aviles
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Yosemite with an XT20
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Bruno Miguel Soares
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Fujifilm X-T2 + XF10-24mm
Photo: Bruno Soares Photography
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Elad Hogen
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Another Milky Way, different rusty vehicle, Big Bend Texas. Fuji X-T20 + Rokinon 12, one exposer of 30 sec at f/2, ISO 3200
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Todd Jackson
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This mornings Heavy Falcon rocket launch from about 50 miles to the south in Vero Beach, Florida
X-T3 with 16mm 1.4 f/8 ISO 640 for 160 seconds.
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Braxton Klavins
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I’m still trying to figure out capture one workflow.
Basic adjustments in C1
Most edits in photoshop
Finished C1
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Yoan Mitov is in Rome, Italy.
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The ancient Coliseum shot with the now ancient X-T10. Tried to make the most of the conditions considering there was a construction site nearby. C&C welcome