Fujifilm GFX Roundup: Don’t Call GFX50SII Cheap, GFX50SII vs GFX100S, GF80mmF1.7 and GF35-70 Reviews, Medium Format vs Sony APS-C and More
High time to catch up with a massive Fujifilm GFX roundup.
We will mostly cover the Fujifilm GFX100S, GFX50SII, GF35-70mm and GF80mmF1.7, but there is also much more, from unfair comparisons APS-C vs Medium Format to technical tests by Jim Kasson and more.
GFX Roundup
Fujifilm GFX cameras
- blog.kasson – Fujifilm GX 100S Pixel Shift dynamic range
- blog.kasson – Pulling high-ISO GFX 50x images in LrC
- 5050travelog – Fujifilm GFX 50S II Review
- digitalcameraworld – Upgrading from full frame to medium format: what you need to know
- peterziegler – gallery of GFX images
MacBook Pro with M1 Pro/Max Chip: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama
Fujinon GF lenses
Regarding the new Fujinon GF35-70mm Jim says: “[in the center] In all of these, the contrast is a bit lower than I’d like, but this is great performance for a kit lens. [in the corners] There is a small loss in performance at 70mm. Good show, Fuji.”
- 5050travelog – Fujifilm GF 35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 WR Review
- blog.kasson – Fuji 35-70 GF Siemens star visuals, corner
- blog.kasson – Fuji 35-70 GF Siemens star visuals, center
- blog.kasson – GF 35-70 and 32-64, foliage, on axis
- blog.kasson – Fuji 35-70 GF transfocal bokeh
- blog.kasson – Field curvature in the Fuji GF 35-70, part 2
- blog.kasson – Schneider 90/4.5 Apo Componon on GFX 100S at 1:1
- blog.kasson – Transfocal bokeh in the Fuji 63/2.8 GF on the GFX 100S
- blog.kasson – Transfocal bokeh in the Fuji 80/1.7 GF on the GFX 100S
- blog.kasson – Transfocal bokeh in the Fuji 110/2 GF on the GFX 100S
- blog.kassson – LoCA information for all GF zooms and primes
- blog.kasson – Microcontrast and MTF50 for all Fuji GF zooms
- blog.kasson – Off-axis testing of the Fuji 120/4 GF on the GFX 100S
- blog.kasson – Off-axis testing of the Fuji 23/4 GF on the GFX 100S
- blog.kasson – Comparing the Fuji GF short primes
- blog.kasson – Comparing the Fuji GF long primes
- blog.kasson – Off-axis testing of the Fuji 30/3.5 GF on the GFX 100S
- blog.kasson – Off-axis testing of the Fuji 45/2.8 and 50/3.5 GF on the GFX 100S
- blog.kasson – Aliasing and the Fuji GF primes
- blog.kasson – Actual vs calculated depth of field for the 45-100/4 GF on the GFX 100S
- blog.kasson – Off-axis LoCA of Fuji 45-100/4 on GFX 100s
- blog.kasson – Off-axis contrast of Fuji 45-100/4 on GFX 100s
- blog.kasson – Transfocal bokeh — 32-64/4 on GFX 100S
- blog.kasson – Off-axis contrast of Fuji 32-64/4 on GFX 100s
- blog.kasson – Off-axis contrast of Fuji 100-200/5.6 on GFX 100s
- blog.kasson – Off-axis contrast of all Fuji GF zooms
- blog.kasson – Comparing the MTF50 of the Fuji 32-63 and 45-100 at common focal lengths
- blog.kasson – Fuji 120/4 GF LoCA at close distances
- blog.kasson – Fuji 120/4 GF microcontrast at close distances
- blog.kasson – Two ways to get to 1:2 with the GFX
- blog.kasson – Fuji 120/4 GF at 1:1 with tubes — visuals
- blog.kasson – Fuji 120/4 GF at 1:1 with tubes
- blog.kasson – Rodenstock 105/5.6 HR Digaron Macro on GFX 100S at 1:2
- blog.kasson – Rodenstock 105/5.6 HR Digaron Macro on GFX 100S at 1:1
- blog.kasson – Cambo Ultima II user error
- His review in short: “bloody brilliant camera”