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Fujifilm GFX100RF Pre-Orders at Italian Store (Now Removed) plus MESSAGE to Anonymous Sources with Nickname


Message to Anonymous Sources with Nickname

In the last few days I have received a few messages from two anonymous sources with nickname, who shared correct rumors in the past.

I have no way to reach out to sources, so I do it via FujiRumors.

I wanted to let sources know:

  • thanks a lot!
  • some will go online shortly
  • some I have to double check
  • one info is not correct to my knowledge, but I will make my checks

I am sorry I can’t be more specific here on FujiRumors.

For me it is OK to get info via rumor box and make these kind of messages on FujiRumors. For me it is important you know I read your rumors and I work on them. Thanks a lot!

I just remind sources that if they want to have a direct chat with me in which I can be more specific in sharing and comparing rumors before they eventually go online, we have the option to use Signal. If that sounds good to you, then:

Signal can be downloaded on your Phone, but you can use it also on your desktop (it’s required that you have the App installed on your phone already). You can download Signal for Desktop here.

While you need your phone number to register, Signal doesn’t share it with me or anyone else. You can create a nickname to contact me. All 100% anonymous.


For a couple of days, Italian store otticazanichelli had its pre-order page for the Fujifilm GFX100RF on its website (the image shows the Fujifilm GFX50R though)..

The site has now been taken since a few days already. But here is what I could read on the page for as long as it was online:

To be clear: everything is a rumor until is not officially announced. And as such, no matter how strongly FujiRumors claims it does not have IBIS, nothing is 100% confirmed until it is announced.

But according to information we have received, it has no IBIS. And if we look at the leaked image, it has no OIS either.

So you’ll have to crank up ISO and shoot at faster shutter speeds if you want to freeze camera motion (because IBIS can only counteract movements of the camera itself but not subject movements like people or leaves). And luckily the ISO performance on GFX is unparalleled.

With that said, there are times when keeping the ISO low is important, especially to maximize the camera’s dynamic range (hence use it at base ISO) or counteracting camera motion when photographing completely still subjects. In these cases, IBIS (or a tripod) can be helpful tools.

via otticazanichelli
