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Fujifilm Will Announce a “Never Rumored Before” X-series Camera in 2016!



The Next Fuji X

Just recently a reliable source broke for us the news, that Fujifilm has still something in the pipeline for this year (2016).

We all started to make our guesses. Could it be the long rumored Fujifilm X-T20 or X100F? Or maybe some new colors for existing cameras, like the dark grey (graphite?) X-Pro2 or silver X-T2? Or maybe a new lens, like the XF50mm? Some also hoped to see the Fujifilm X-E3 become real.

Well, the source just dropped me one more message via rumor box and said:

  1. it will be an X-series camera
  2. this camera has never ever been rumored (and talked about) before

This is the wonderful moment, where we all can start dreaming about the camera we desire (and let Fujifilm know about – you know that they not only read us, but even share our feedback at meetings – see here).

I wish you all a GREAT day :-)
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