Would a Fujifilm X-E3 without Tilt Screen be a Dealbreaker for You? – POLL
Fujifilm X-E3 Vs. Rest of the X-World
NOTE: This is NOT a rumor that says the X-E3 has no tilt screen
In my love letter to the X-E3 back in June 2016, I launched several polls, to see which camera X-shooters would prefer to buy: X-E3, X-Pro2, X-T20 and X-T2.
Well, the X-E3 is the clear winner.
Coincidence or not, a few months later, Fujifilm officially said that “we are aware of the many requests for Fujifilm X-E3“.
The rumors? In December 2016 I’ve shared that the X-E3 is back on Fuji’s To-Do list and just recently a new source told us that the X-E3 could come this fall.
Now believe me, I’m a guy that has its feet well set on the ground, but I can’t stop thinking that Fujifilm was motivated to revive plans for the X-E3 after they saw the overwhelming positive response it got here on FujiRumors. And it wouldn’t be the first time, you guys influenced Fujifilm decisions.
They read you guys… your opinions even make it into official Fujifilm meetings with the press ;)
The Problem with the X-E3 Poll
But there was something in the X-E3 Vs. Rest of the X-world polls we should consider: I told you to imagine an X-E3 with tilt screen, and then vote on it.
But what if the X-E3 had no tilt screen? Would you still prefer it over the X-T2, X-T20 and X-Pro2?
To answer this question I will launch the same poll again, and see how good (or not) a “tilt-screen-less” Fujifilm X-E3 performs in the survey compared to an X-E3 with tilt screen.
happy voting :)
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Fujifilm X-E3 WITHOUT Tilt-screen Polls

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Fujifilm X-E3 WITH Tilt-screen Polls

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