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Fujifilm X-T4 Firmware 1.02 Improves Autofocus with DC Motor Fujinon Lenses (+ Last Spaces for Rico’s Fuji X Workshop)


As you know from this interview with Fuji Guy Billy, there are different types of autofocus motors for camera lenses, such as:

  • stepping motors
  • linear motors
  • DC coreless motors
  • ultrasonic type of motors

Of course each of these 4 motors has its Pros and Cons, you can read about it here.

Today we want to focus only the DC coreless AF motors, which are the best option if you have to move fast and big glass elements without making the lens too big. Some lenses that employ the DC coreless AF motor are the glorious Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 and the XF23mmF1.4. Of course it’s used also in not so fast lenses, such as one of my favorites mounted on my X-E3, the lovely XF27mmF2.8.

NOTE: FYI: 35/1.4 has a stepping motor

Why do we talk about it today?

Well, we recently shared a Fujinon XF video autofocus review by Philip Bloom, where he showed that the XF56mm F1.2 performs very bad.

The test was done before the recent Fujifilm X-T4 firmware 1.02, which officially improved IBIS (by a large margin, as shown here) and fixed a few bugs.

What Fujifilm did not tell us, but luckily X guru Rico Pfirstinger told us, is that Fujifilm X-T4 firmware 1.02 also improved autofocus performance with lenses sporting a DC coreless AF motor.

It would be great if Philip Bloom could repeat his test with the XF56mmF1.2. He should notice a significant improvement.

Speaking of Rico…

Rico is offering online workshops (in German). They are usually sold out quickly, with long waiting lists on top of it. But it happens that there are a few last spots left for 2 of them.

Keep in mind, the workshops are in German language.

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