Fujifilm X100V Successor Coming Early 2024: The Hottest Name Speculations (and Vote Your Favorite)
Now that I have told your that the Fujifilm X100V successor will come in early 2024, I am sure that many of you have lots of questions about it.
Questions, that you are free to share down below in the comments and I promise I will work on them and hopefully be able to answer soon.
One of the questions I have not yet the answer to is the name of the X100V successor.
And since I am tired to share rumors calling it the “X100V successor” I thought I’ll do it like this. I will now share a couple of naming options and you vote on the one you like most. The winning name will be used by me for all further rumors (at least until I find out the real name).
And let’s start with a feedback coming from a FR-reader via the revived rumor box.
X100R because…
A reader that gave himself the nickname Rgds wrote me this:
I think the naming convention after the x100V will be the 1st letter of the Japanese numbers in Romaji. i.e.
x100R = Roku = six
x100N = Nana = seven
x100H = Hachi = eight
x100Q = Kyu = 9
x100J = Jyu = 10
Following his theory, the next Fujifilm X100 camera could be called Fujifilm X100R.
Now that would make a whole lot of sense to me. Also the Japanese naming convention suggested by Rgds would take any further struggles away from Fujifilm, as they would also have the names for future iterations of that camera after the X100R.
One more thing: if (and that’s a big IF), the Fujifilm X100V successor would have a 40MP sensor (not a rumor, just a possibility), then the “R” could also stand for “resolution”.
Keep the “V” because…
X100VI, X100VS, X100VR, X100VZ
The X100V is now an iconic camera that got viral like no X100 camera ever before.
For many, the X100V was the first time they heard about the X100 line, and probably even about Fujifilm X series cameras overall.
Due to this fact, for marketing reasons it could make sense to keep the “V” in the name, which would give us these options:
- X100VI: VI is the Roman number for “6”. However, in this case, the name could cause some confusion on how to call it. X100-SIX, or X100V-One, X100V-i.
- X100VS: the addition of the letter “S” could indicate “Second”, so the second X100V camera. And if it would have a stacked sensor, it could also stand for “speed”
- X100VR: the addition of the letter “R” could indicated “Sixth” according to the Japanese alphabet, and also indicate “resolution” if it would have 40MP
- X100VZ: the addition of the letter “Z” could indicated “Sixth” according to the Greek alphabet
X200… or X200V
Fujifilm could also decide to go for Fujifilm X200 and then start all over again with the same naming scheme used for the X100 line, hence X200S, X200T, X200F, X200V.
And since the X100V is that popular, if for marketing reason they’d like to keep the “V” in the name, they could go for X200V, followed by X300V, X400V etc.
X100Z because…
This suggestion comes from Richie of Fuji X Weekly, who points out that, as Z” (Zeta) is the sixth letter in the Greek alphabet.
Ok, I think we got quite some options covered.
I will put them all down below in a survey. Feel free to vote your favorite and also to make new suggestions in the comments.