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Fujinon XF 500mmF5.6 Coming in White Color unlike GF 500mmF5.6


The long telephoto prime lens of Fujifilm is finally coming: the Fujinon XF500mm f/5.6!

The announcement is scheduled to happen within this year.

But a question urged fellow FR-reader Hiergeist here:

Will it be black like the GFX 500 or white like the XF 200?

Well, we have the answer: unlike its G mount counterpart, the Fujinon GF 500mm f/5.6 which comes in black, the Fujinon XF500mmF5.6 will come in white color, making it Fujifilm’s third XF lens in white after the Fujinon XF200mmF2 and the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8.

More rumors to follow, so definitely stay tuned.
