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How I Learned To LOVE The Fujifilm X-Trans Sensor and Get the Most Out of It… and I Can’t Believe it’s Not Film [ X-Trans Roundup ]



X-Trans Roundup

In our photographic journey, we start, we struggle, we learn, we advance, we re-consider, we get frustrated when things don’t work out and excited when we make a leap forward.

And yes, for us Fujifilm shooters, X-Trans is one of those things we had to learn to handle in our photographic journey.

And since we know that X-Trans is here to stay (the Fujifilm X-H2 will feature an X-Trans sensor – or at least one of the two X-H2’s coming), we better learn to make the most out of its strengths and be aware of possible limitations and how to work around those.

Now, you know what I think about the X-Trans sensor. If not, check out:

So yes, I love it! I love the fact that Fujifilm will keep the X-Trans sensor in their APS-C cameras. And judging from this survey, the vast majority of you guys is happy about this, too.

One of the X shooters happy with the X-Trans sensor is Edward Thomas, who, in the video linked below, explains how he learned to love the Fujifilm X-Trans sensor and what he likes about it. The key points of his video and the video itself can be found down below.

I will also share two additional videos, one about how to make the most out X-Trans files and another one with a Fujifilm film simulation recipe.

Last is a short video of me editing a heavily underexposed image taken with my X-E3 of my wife during our honeymoon in Andalusia (here is Cordoba), while were enjoying the sunset from the wonderful town of Ronda. It’s one of those pictures that should not be possible according to some, as it is only APS-C ;).

  • the more he prints from the X-Trans sensor, the more he is impressed by that sensor
  • if Adobe does not play nicely with X-Trans sensors, then that’s on Adobe, not on X-Trans
  • he shoots JEPG+RAW and tries to get the JPEG as close to what he wants right in the camera using all the cool film simulations
  • if there is an image that he particularly likes, he loads the RAW file into Fujifilm’s RAW converter, don’t do anything with it except for converting the RAW file to a 16bit tiff file. The 16bit tiff he then brings it into Affinity Photo and processes it
  • editing itself he just needs minimal adjustments, as the Fujifilm colors and files are just there already
  • X-Trans has significant more green pixels over Bayer, which helps the light gathering capability of the sensor
  • there was a time where he hated the X-Trans sensor, but now he understands that a Bayer sensor can’t give him what an X-Trans sensor gives him, as Bayer sensors are not as good
