I’m Leaving Soon… And You Decide Which Gear I will Take with Me! – POLL

A Democratic Gear Travel Choice
This Saturday, it is time to make shameless use of this blog and of your time for a very personal reason: my upcoming trip to Rome!
First: I hope not to get sick, since both my brothers, their wifes and kids and my mother are really sick right now. As the only fit person of the family, in these days I’m taking care of all of them as good as I can. Family first… I can handle Rome also with fever ;).
Second: after cancelling my Christmas holidays as well as my winter holidays in February because of the X-H1 rumors and announcement, I decided to risk it again, and booked a travel after Rome, which, if I don’t have to cancel it again, I will eventually let you know about later.
Anyway, now it’s Rome time, 3 days. And I have already asked the FR-community which lenses and cameras I should take with me on my travel.
- 10 Camera/Lens suggestions at the fuji-x-forum.com
- 94 Camera/Lens suggestions at the FR-facebook page
- 54 Camera/Lens suggestions at the FR-Twitter page
The feedback was massive, and there are so many different views and opinions, that I’m somehow still a bit confused.
So I decided to make one thing: for the first time, there will be a 100% democratic camera and lens choice. So you guys vote the poll, and whatever wins, I’ll take it with me to Rome.
Do I have personal favorites? You bet!
There is especially one lens I do hope will make it into the top 3. And I do have a favorite camera. But I won’t say it, because I don’t want to influence your vote. I will respect the poll results and take the gear you decide with me.
I will take only one camera 3 lenses. But in order to make your choice even more difficult, I will allow you to select only 2 lenses ;)
The only thing that comes for sure with me for now, is my lovely and light Sirui T-025x Carbon Fiber Tripod.
Sirui T-025x Carbon Fiber Tripod: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, [shoplink 69149 ebay]your eBay[/shoplink]
Any Other Rome Tips?

Of course, also some photographic tips are welcome in the comments.
Last time when I asked for help to photograph Prague, I was astonished by how kind and helpful the FujiRumors community was. Some even draw maps for me and recommended lenses, locations and time (see image above).
Even tips for restaurants in the city center / Trastevere are highly welcome.
I really feel lucky to be part of this community :) Thanks guys!!!!
Will FujiRumors Continue?
Don’t worry… you will continue to get instant and blazing fast news and rumors coverage here on FujiRumors. If necessary, I will take out my computer and blog right under the sistine chapel. Habemus Rumor :) .
So make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter.
The Poll