Iridient Developer now 30% off + :: “The ‘Real Deal’ For Fuji X… my software of the year” (soundimageplus)
It’s Iridient Developer’s 10 year anniversary, and Brian decided to start a sale that runs through the end of the year! The price for the probably best X-Trans RAW conversion software is right now discounted to $69.95 (30% off). Get it here at iridientdigital.
Also Soundimageplus highly recommends Iridient to every X-shooter. Read why here. Download Iridient 3.0 beta 4 for Mac here.
“I absolutely love what IR does to all my files and particularly my Fuji X images which have frustrated me over the years. My lenses look sharper, my sensors look better and over the past day I’ve processed hundreds of images using IR and have been consistently impressed with what I can achieve.”