Iridient X Transformer 1.6.3 adds Fujifilm X100V and X-T200 Support
Iridient X-Transformer 1.6.3 has been released.
This update adds support for the X-T200 and even Fujifilm X100V models and fixes a macOS specific bug with foreign file/folder name characters that was introduced with in the previous 1.6.2 version.
You can download Iridient X Transformer here.
→ Top X100 Community: Fujifilm X100 facebook group
→ Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group
Coming soon (X100V announcement date and time details):
- Fujifilm X100V
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Focuscamera - Fujifilm X-T200
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Focuscamera
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