Merry X-Mas to All Fujifilm Lovers, 5 Thank You Messages… and a Camera Bag to Support Homeless People

Merry X mas
First and foremost, merry Christmas to the entire Fujifilm family out there and to every single one of you reading this blog. Make the best out of your holidays and enjoy every moment.
And now the part almost nobody will read, but for me personally it’s very important…
- ALL SOURCES who helped me also this year with the rumors. Your support was once again incredible. You help us to make being part of the Fuji X community so much more fun :). I hope to hear very often from you again also in 2018.
- ALL READERS who decided to support FujiRumors by commenting the articles, by dropping me a link to interesting content, news, deals and by sharing our content on social media and forums. You allow this blog to be always the very first to break the news and also to be the by far most active Fujifilm community on the web.
- ALL SUPPORTERS who decided to purchase products using our affiliate links, who donated a few bucks and who clicked on the banners on our website. I do put heart and soul into this blog, but without your support to cover the costs of this site, I could close FujiRumors tomorrow morning.
- ALL CONTRIBUTORS who decided to write a guest post for FujiRumors. You do enrich the FR-experience with your great content
- ALL PEOPLE AT FUJIFILM who worked hard to keep up designing, developing and crafting wonderful cameras and lenses and for covering us also in 2017 with Kaizen love
have great holidays… all of you,
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Support for Homeless People
As you might have noticed, here on FujiRumors we are convinced supporters of charity initiatives. In fact, over the last two years, thanks to your support, we collected $5,000 for free education to Cambodian kids, and as you can see above, the kids wanted to say “Thank you” to all of you guys :)
This time, I’d like to bring to your attention a charity initiative launched by our friends at Cosyspeed camera bags.
They have launched a special edition bag, the CAMSLINGER Streetomatic Valerie Jardin bag (Valerie shoots Fuji ;) ), and $25 of each sold bag go to the project #dosomethingfornothing, a project of London based stylist Joshua Coombes who gives free haircuts to homeless people.
Joshs project has grown quickly to 180 thousand followers on Instagram and he was featured in Morgan Freemans show on National Geographic and The Washington Post.
Full details after the video.
STREETOMATIC Valerie Jardin Edition Camera Bag to support a project for homeless people
COSYSPEED launched the CAMSLINGER Streetomatic Valerie Jardin Camera Bag in cooperation with US/French street photographer Valerie Jardin. 25$US of the sales of each bag are going into the #dosomethingfornothing project of London based stylist Joshua Coombes who gives free haircuts to homeless people. Joshs project has grown quickly to 180 thousand followers on Instagram and he was featured in Morgan Freemans show on National Geographic and The Washington Post.
The CAMSLINGER Streetomatic Valerie Jardin Edition is limited to 200 bags and made for street and travel photographers. Like all CAMSLINGER bags it was designed especially for quick, one-handed access and can be worn at the hip or as a sling bag. It fits all kinds of Mirrorless Cameras, mid-sized DSLRs and Superzooms.
About the project
US/French street photographer and podcast host Valerie Jardin is capturing London hair stylist Joshua Coombes and his #dosomethingfornothing project. Josh gives free hair cuts to homeless people all around the world and has grown to 180 thousand followers on Instagram since he started his project in 2015.
Josh started his project in 2015 and takes before/after photos of many woman or man he gives his free service and posts them on Instagram. He travels the big cities on the planet and his idea of giving something for free is growing quickly.
„The ethos of #dosemethingfornothing is using your time or skills to connect with others in your community. The power and connectivity of social media can be used for many different things. My belief is that it can change opinions on the way we view and interact with one another each day,“ says Josh.
Valerie Jardin took her camera and visited Josh several times. „Josh’s project is amazing and happens on the streets. So it was clear for me that I wanted to document what Josh does and how much a little bit of time can do for others.“
She wanted to support #dosomethingfornothing and published a book with Josh at work. Also she teamed up with German camera bag brand Cosyspeed and brought out a limited edition bag. Profits from the book and the CAMSLINGER Streetomatic Valerie Jardin Edition are going into Josh’s project and help him to continue his work.
The CAMSLINGER Streetomatic Valerie Jardin Edition comes in for 89.99 $US / 89,99 € and is available at
More informations
#dosomethingfornothing eBook:
Cosyspeed Streetomatic Camera bag Valerie Jardin Edition:
Joshua Coombes / #doseomethingfornothing on Instagram:
Valerie Jardin:
COSYSPEED GmbH is a German photo brand with a focus on camera bags designed for quick, one-handed access to ones camera and gear. The current core of the COSYSPEED collection is its line of CAMSLINGER camera bags that can be worn at the hip o as a sling bag. Furthermore COSYSPEED is actively supporting development aid projects and social projects around the world, including the production of the CAMPILLOW in Burundi/Africa. All products are developed in Germany and are subject to strict German quality criteria. Production is carried out in Germany, Europe, Asia and Africa. More info at