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gizmodo top 10 cameras 2012
Gizmodo released his top 10 cameras 2012 rating (click here). The X-PRO1 reached the 8th position. First position for the Canon EOS 5D MARK III, second position for the Nikon D800 and the RX100 is third.
Landscape photography and X-PRO1? See the results at fstopguy.com. His landscape photography equipment is: XF 18mm, XF 35mm, XF 60mm. Accessories: L-Bracket and grip for X-PRO1, cable release, extra batteries, SanDisk Extreme PRO, Circular Polarizer, ND Filters, Tripod with ball head.
The X-PRO1 in the metro of Paris. See all the people with their mobile phones and read the impressions of parisphototours.
Street photography with the X-PRO1 and 18mm lens? See the pics of the trip in Melbourne here.
Some X-PRO1 pics at high Iso. (click here)
Is the X-PRO1 the perfect travel camera? Read the opinions of mcgaughey here.
X-PRO1 highlight recovery at hfortysixit.com
From 11th. of August 2012 Juha Periniva started to shoot with Fuji X-Pro1 and four lenses. Click here to see his beautiful shots in Finnland.
Street photography by derekclark (click here). Don’t avoid to shoot in the rain or in the midday sun! Read why.
All I want for X-mas is a X-E1… read the creativelondonphotographer review here.
Did Simon Peckham the right decision by selling his Nikon DSLR and purchasing the X-E1? Here are his first thoughts. And once he received the camera, he posted his first impressions and pics (click here). (also he enjoyed “the best review of the X-E1 to date” of riflessifotografici as he worte here. If you want to read the riflessifotografici review, click here!)
A German video review on youtube can be seen here. If you want to read the review and look at sample pics click here (translated version).
Many, many snapshots can been seen here: brandonremler
Read the sansmirror review here. It focuses also on the difference between X-PRO1 and X-E1.
“Fuji’s has always made cameras and camera sensors that intrigue me and have enabled me to turn out beautiful files. And their lenses are also well regarded“. Read the whole opinion about the X-E1 at visualsciencelab (click here)
A video review of PhotoNewsReview here.
Fuji F800 EXR
For a first look at digitalcamerareview click here.